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Thread: DFBHDD problem(s)

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    DFBHDD problem(s)

    Why when I'm going into join a multiplayer game the ping times calculate to 99% finished and all of a sudden the game fizzes out and I have to restart it? It's especially frustrating when it happens ten times in a row.

    How do you make maps? At first I thought this was an option with the full game only, then I heard the full game isn't even out.

    What's with the grenade launcher thing? You know, click '5' twice and you get flashbangs, then click ']' once and you get a grenade launcher, except it doesn't work.

    Why can't I use my knife underwater? Sure, guns I understand, but knives?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    why gm freeze's have you updated the gm from with in the gm itself ??. hit instead of multiplay hit update gm . wow jump right from the fryn pan into the fire eh ok lol . how to make maps i could spend a few days explaining that subject lol . best to 1st dnld the modified editor for bhd from here CPD in bhd dnld's section . next read very very careful the instruction's for the use and installation of the modified editor. k once this is done and installed go to the sticky at top of map editing section of the forum. and read the tutorial on mappn basic's this cover's the basic map editor function's for df2 till bhd to include Comanche4 . like i said they are just basic but will be enough for a map to be made . the gernade launcher did you dnld it as an addon ?? 1 know a site out there produced 1 but the hand through the gernade. the knife under water probally because its still a demo if ya notice ya dont swim either just run through water . hope this help's

    [Edited on 1/30/03 by Edward]
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by Edward
    why gm freeze's have you updated the gm from with in the gm itself ??. hit instead of multiplay hit update gm .
    I have updated the game, to no avail.
    wow jump right from the fryn pan into the fire eh ok lol . how to make maps i could spend a few days explaining that subject lol . best to 1st dnld the modified editor for bhd from here CPD in bhd dnld's section.
    Errr... where? Can you provide me a link to the download page please?
    next read very very careful the instruction's for the use and installation of the modified editor. k once this is done and installed go to the sticky at top of map editing section of the forum. and read the tutorial on mappn basic's this cover's the basic map editor function's for df2 till bhd to include Comanche4 . like i said they are just basic but will be enough for a map to be made.
    the gernade launcher did you dnld it as an addon ??
    No, as far as I can tell it's a fundamental part of the program. Like I say, press '5' one you've got grenades, press '5' again and you've got flashbangs, then press ']' once and you've got what appears to be a grenade launcher.
    1 know a site out there produced 1 but the hand through the gernade. the knife under water probally because its still a demo if ya notice ya dont swim either just run through water . hope this help's

  4. #4
    Admin Bluetiereign's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    Errr... where? Can you provide me a link to the download page please?
    Checkpointdelta Download Section

    From there, pick your game...

    *In addition to this link...If you look in the upper right hand corner, you can turn a rather helpful -> Menu OFF | ON *

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