Ok, so with the wait for BHD, I'm going back to playing C4 and to this date I haven't played it with a joystick.
Maybe because I never got it to work but I've been trying again and I'm getting frustrated.
I have an old Thrustmaster Flight Control System Mark 1. I'm running XP and I have the Joystick calibrated in XP and working properly. When I go into C4 and set it up for use the Joystick (I have both Mouse and Joystick checked) I get into the game and have a nightmare.
When the game starts, the Comanche is sitting on the pad rotating in circles. When I lift off, I'm still rotating in circles. If I push the HAT UP I go up in circles and if I push the HAT down I go down in circles. If I push the stick forward, the nose points down but I don't more forward, same for back and to the sides.
To sum it I can rotate around the take off point but that's it.
Any thoughts, or should I just stick to programming for C4 and DF?