Anybody else? I just use XP n CHROME. a quick search showed "For what it's worth, I had this same problem, and it turned out to be the JavaScript to Footer plugin, which is too bad, because that plugin made my site really speedy " but I don't know.
Anybody else? I just use XP n CHROME. a quick search showed "For what it's worth, I had this same problem, and it turned out to be the JavaScript to Footer plugin, which is too bad, because that plugin made my site really speedy " but I don't know.
Can you tell me which ones ? I use chrome too, and they are working for me. However, they do not work with hover only, you must click once to get the menu.
Downloads , Community,Forum Actions,Quick Links, but Notifications is dropping. Good maybe it's just my machine. Up to three weeks ago a click brought down the menu. Will look into things on my end. 1 of many theories is my free underground dial-up 5-10 kps making almost impossible to download big C4 files. I've slipped through the donut hole but I'm glad CPD hasn't cause it harkens back to a time when sims and cyberspace was an exciting new realm that required a long attention span and steep learning curve. U give and I take. Maybe someday that will change.thanks to all .. . .TALON out.
All of those work for me. I think you can reset Chrome to defaults. Thank you for your kind words.