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Thread: Old Matches

  1. #16
    Admin Bluetiereign's Avatar
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    Re: Old Matches

    Quote Originally Posted by raisedpassion View Post
    i cant help but think that you believe I'm some sort of threat to you. (based on recent private messages). My wife and I find this whole matter somewhat humorous.

    SAI is almost 9 years old. If SAI is going down anyways, what have you got to lose by accepting my offer? Maybe it's your pride?

    Listen, I'm not an intimidating person. SAI appears to be starving. Lets work together and give it what it needs.
    Tell you what raisedpassion..

    As of right now, SAI still has a forum. Take it up with them there. Fair enough ?

    Quote Originally Posted by raisedpassion View Post
    well you cant do any worse lol.
    As I said, if you have a problem or beef with someone, take it up with them directly. I can't quite get a grip on where you are trying to take your conversation with Baron, but I get the sense it is confrontational. We are a forum. We are not an Arena. We discuss topics. We don't do battle in here.

    I'm not trying to be mean or nasty. I'm simply reminding you that discussion - not confrontation - is the preferred method of communication in our forum.

    For starters, you might try introducing yourself, what your position with SAI was and the terms under which you left the squad. An explanation of the troubles the website suffered as you left might be in order also. There is nothing like an honest discussion to clear the air. I find it helps all sides to have these discussions occasionally.

  2. #17
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    Re: Old Matches

    Enter the mod.... yes sir indeed. Keep in mind, I don't believe that I'm right or correct. I'm just a dumbass. I'm going to do the best job I can of explaining my position (per request of blue's "lets have a discussion". This is going to be prolly the longest post ever in the forum, but 8 years is a LONG TIME)

    I've recently been refered to as a bull in a china closet.... which I tend to agree with. I try not to overly cause stress, but THIS china closet is ALREADY full of broken glass. You will find me insulting at times but thats ok, your probably not the only one.

    As I try not to walk on broken eggshells in this forum, I find myself talking down a 17 year old teenage girl who is contemplating suicide because she has a horrible life. She expects no better future other than poverty and more failure. Tonight she's been rejected by the boy she looks to for guidance and support. I've seen her bad before but never like this. At this point, I'm trying to keep her continuing talking, and hopefully she'll phone a crisis hotline to get better help than what I can provide. I'm not a counselor, but I am a christian.

    sigh.... this is a real problem. And she just stopped responding to me.......

    I had been considering how to accept this situation here in this thread for a few hours until this problem came up. It reminded me of what a real problem is compared to anxiety and bears (faggots) in the C4 forums.

    Did I come here looking for a fight? No, I did not. I seem to have found one though. Was it just a coincidence that I stuck my C4 cd into my computer as SAI enters its darkest hour? I don't know.... but here I am. 8 years too late, but here I am.

    I didn't formally introduce myself here because red baron already knows me. Also I try for a more modest entry into a system I have experience in. I don't like: "I AM YOUR KING NOW BOW DOWN". I prefer to build respect rather than try to live up to a reputation I've created for myself.

    Says here, I should post in the SAI forum. I posted in five or six places. When I go fishing, I usually take more than one pole. I got a response here, not in the SAI forums. I believe I posted there but it's on a different site. I don't know if we are talking about the same place. I followed the link off
    I would like to point out, this post was made with no response 2 days prior to my initial post in this thread. With a deadline potentially Jan 1st, time is of the essence to save SAI. That and I come to you with nothing to hide, everything in the public. The things I'm holding back, I hold back in fear of hurting bruised egos. I want to be constructive, not DEstructive.

    as to explain my "you cant do any worse lol" comment, it was meant as a joke. I made sure to put the lol in there to express that I wasn't serious. If it hurt anyone's feelings, I will formally apologize to the hurt parties, then begin snickering and pointing in the background, and try to tape a "kick me sign" on their backs. In other words, lighten up. I am a man, you are a man, this is how men treat each other. If I didn't **** with you, I wouldn't like you...... Or, if you need me to go get my pink sissy leotard trunks, put em on, and talk with a lisp for you, I can do that too. Whatever you need.

    Where I am trying to take the conversation that I'm not having with red baron? Well, they say "no question is a stupid question" so I'll humor you. I am here offering assistance to a dying squad. I'm not sure how you could have missed that, but ok. I figured that would be self evident with posts like "What can I do to help SAI?" or "so that's what this is all about? SAI has no one left to fly?", but I spose if you sit and look at it long enough, it really DOES turn into "I AM A DEMON FROM HELL COME TO EAT YOUR CHILDREN AND SPAM YOUR EMAIL BOXES - insert rotating head and green puke-"....... sigh..... Ask yourself what am I, raisedpassion, getting from this. Like I really want to be sitting here typing this book when theres a bigger problem at hand (SAI). Trust me, I honestly do have better stuff to do then write this.

    BTW, the suicide chick last night / early this morning.... She is still with us. She made the call, she's working on getting some help. Praise God.

    Blue says: "For starters, you might try introducing yourself, what your position with SAI was and the terms under which you left the squad. An explanation of the troubles the website suffered as you left might be in order also. There is nothing like an honest discussion to clear the air. I find it helps all sides to have these discussions occasionally. "

    Again, 8 years is a long time. I was sparing you (and myself) from this super long post.

  3. #18
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    Re: Old Matches

    Hello my name is Richard, my old position with SAI was CREATOR AND FOUNDER (see what I mean about wanting to come in low key rather than coming in all high and mighty.)

    Mid Spring to Early Summer, 2002, Sickle LAW and I started SAI. He was set to be leader, me 2nd in command. I even remember which map we decided to go ahead with the squad in. He was a bit too brash to be leader, I took over early on, (while going to college, keeping a personal life, and taking care of my mom who had cancer.) SAI was good friends with LAW, DSS, SAS, and not so much friends with LRS, but we flew with them also. We were on the forefront of technology helping ppl like Inso DSS as much as we could. We strove to be a well respected squad in our community, and laid the foundations of the squad. We flew with VIPER. We even had a ranking system engaged. Some of the groundwork Sickle and I laid I still see today - such as the division of tasks to keep everyone involved, and the TEAM leading and making decisions as to who to let in, who to expel, not just one person. Along with other things, I was hand training ppl inside and outside SAI things like passive locking, and how to set up their hardware for maximum damage. Meanwhile I was learning how to code websites to create our first few sites (free sites), and mapbuilding to help train newbs. I don't remember red baron very well, so I don't think he knows very much about SAI at this period. I recruited him (I THINK), I flew with him, but thats all. My main people were Sickle, stryder, and dee - with help from others.

    Enter Removed. Removed came to me all about how he could host a paid for website for us on his server, etc etc etc..... I bought into it, thought it was a great idea, was born. Turns out, almost none of what he said was true or carried out. I found myself with HALF a moved website, everything ****ed up, and Removed 'oops' - I had no access to fix it. Removed effectively locked me out of my own squad. He would later be the one to take OVER my squad, denying that Sickle or I ever existed in SAI ranks as creators, owners or leaders of the squad. The magical tooth fairy came down from heaven to start SAI for him I take it. I'm not upset about it, it was a long time ago, he and red kept the squad going all this time.... But I would be lying if I said I had any respect for him nor would I trust him even today. Again, that was a long time ago and I didnt come here to dredge up smelly stuff from way back when.

    FADEBACK>....>>..>.>.... (lol) Meanwhile back in 2003, about the same time as SAI was moved to the new Removed-friendly site, in real life, my life spiraled downhill. I had a car accident that took me away from SAI for a period, lost one of the loves of my life, work went to hell, had to leave college, finally leaving my hometown with hopes of something better. Instead, I landed in the slums, no computer, no way or time to play C4. I did the best I could to lead the squad from a distance, but without being able to fly, I failed. THAT and as you fight cockroaches (insects, not people) for access to the keyboard, its sobering to whats important (food, shelter), and what isn't.

    In the bits of information I picked up here and there, I found out what Removed had done with Sickle and I and the crew. I vaguely remember blowing up some forum ranting and raving about the matter when I found out. In late 03, maybe 04, I heard hackers had taken over the C4 servers, things went to ****... not long after, was gone. I tried looking for SAI but couldn't find. I assumed the squad had disbanned.

    And so it sat, me without the heart to see the C4 servers upside down with cheats. Until now. I wanted to show the wife what SAI used to be like. The only way I could do that was by showing her C4. I was researching a connection problem with the computers when I came across this very thread. You should have seen running up the steps to get her "SAI IS ALIVE SAI IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    It's good to see SAI alive and well. or at least 'still alive'. I immediately set to work to learn about what happened in the C4 community, SAI's involvement therein, what can be done to help SAI, and whether I should enact a plan. First thing I found was that I accidentally overwrote all my files, so I'm starting C4 from scratch. Even my cd was scratched beyond repair. It's been alot of work just to make it this far.

    I determined the best way to help SAI would be to build another squad, a squad SAI could fly against. A younger brother to SAI. I just happen to be sitting on a guild of with 1300 members in an unrelated game. They are mostly kids who are creative and like to have fun bugging the **** out of old people like us. They are more artistic than military, so I don't know if they would go for C4 or not. They always keep me on my toes, always make me proud. Since I lost my children in real life, these kids have somewhat become family to me, as you can tell. SAI is family too..... even though I don't know that much about them any more. (a link to RAWR if you want to see)

    Not all of us are active of course, but I could probably get 10, hand train them, get them functioning together...... but it would be SOOOOOOO much work.... and if SAI isnt active, whats the point?

    I owe it to the kids to take them somewhere where they are going to have fun, and the hard work they put into it has to YIELD something.

    While we are on the subject, now is a good time to respond to red's post. I originally opted to take the safe route and not hurt anyone's feelings and post "so thats what this is about, sai has no one to fly" but it's relevant to this conversation to break it down what he said. What I say may upset you, but it's said in truth. Fact is fact. I can't change that.

    red baron posted: "1st Raisedpassion, I'm not going there. if you got pilots that want to play, bring them into the forum, I know CPD will welcome them and any other squads also, This is not all about SAI, its about C-4 we need players one squad can not play a match. Get to work, not talk about it, see how many players you can get. If you can get the players I know all of C-4 will be thanking you.. "

    If i got pilots? I don't actually, but after hard work I might.... but only if this is something they would have fun doing. At this point, I don't consider this fun.

    CPD will welcome them? Has CPD welcomed me?

    This is not all about SAI? Yes it is actually. The reason I come here is because I am a father to SAI. As a natural father wants to do anything they can to see their child's survival and success - as do I with SAI.

    The C4 community needs players? I've been doing my homework, going over sites, forums, downloads, talking to whoever I can. I'm EMBARRASSED actually. Bottom line is the C4 community is a disgrace. You've had 9 years of players come thru the C4 game, and look at your servers now.... let me fire up C4 and check Novaworld RIGHT NOW. 4 servers are up, ZERO players are logged on and flying. For 9 years running, the C4 community has been pissing off every last one of the players coming thru, and they are at it today.

    How do I know? I handed my wife the joystick (I'm teaching her to fly). She was flying too high, you could tell she had no idea what she was doing..... she was passively locked and fell to the ground in a pile. All she knew was that she was flying, then she was dead, not even a lock-on. No help was offered. After a few kills like that, she was like "F THIS" and off she went to go do something else. About that same time, a Griffon came in, didn't know T for type even..... ya, he couldn't have been there more than 5 minutes. Kudos to the C4 community. What was an easy few kills was -2 players in the community.

    Sound familiar?

    9 years wasnt enough. red baron wants me to bring him and the C4 community more newbs to eat, my FAMILY. Again, I owe it to these kids to take them into something they are going to have fun with. So far, he hasn't been able to answer simple questions like "Is SAI still active"..... so things aren't looking very promising.

    At this point, I'm still moving full steam ahead to put myself back together (everything was lost remember). I'm building my macro again, this time in visual studio 2010 , rebuilding the training maps I need.... after 8 years, I've forgotten EVERYTHING about c4medc, getting other pieces of software etc.... its SOOOO much work. I've been kicking around the idea in RAWR (my guild) to see how they feel about C4. I've got a 17 year old girl who's going to test fly C4 in a VPN LAN type setup Monday or Tuesday. I trust her opinion. If she likes it, I'll continue to move slowly forward with creating a squad. If she doesn't, RAWR will not be coming to C4.

    If anyone reading this wants to help with her test run, I would be happy to email the coordinates, time, location etc for you to join us. It's not going to be served on Novaworld so you'll need to get in touch with me before the test run.

    I hope this mega long post was able to answer your questions blue. If you have more, please refer them to me and I will answer them the best that I can.

  4. #19
    Admin Bluetiereign's Avatar
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    Re: Old Matches

    I deal with life and death every day - both as a firefighter and supervisor in a nursing home. Perspective on the importance of some things is entirely unnecessary. I can tell by various cues that I was twice your age when you started playing this game. As the years pass, I find that I'm now much more tolerant of people, but less tolerant of drama.

    My apologies if you do not feel welcome(d) here. I can assure you that I don't expect you to kowtow to me or anyone here. However, just looking at the facts - without placing blame - you lost the squad 8 years ago. Since that time, the world has moved on. While you protest rather loudly that you didn't want to come in 'making waves' - your story might be construed as an attempt to do otherwise. I would be tempted to agree - as you even resort to calling us 'faggots' in your first post.

    Anyway, it has been my experience that the cream of the crop rises to the top. You could have quietly entered the C4 community, never mentioned who you were, started another squad and proven your abilities - as a player, leader and webmaster. That particular route was not the one chosen. You have instead presented this community with more of something it already has plenty of - and does not need - division.

    I don't think the community or a squad can be blamed if your wife or children don't want to play this game. Comanche 4 is an old game. While it is fun, it is a DX8 game that can only go so far in it's simplicity. Single player missions can be downloaded for practice before joining a server. I would personally like to encourage you to try again, especially if you are serious about your love of the game. We have other members who are founders of squads that have grandchildren playing this game.

    Good luck to you and yours, raisedpassion. Thank you for your time and efforts. Feel free to use CPD in whatever capacity you might deem useful in your pursuit of helping the game. In the future, please refrain from calling other members names and mentioning specific names when raising accusations. Deal with those through PM's and email.


  5. #20
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    Re: Old Matches

    understood. I don't feel theres anything more to say here. While your community rots, mine has a movie filled with ppl, insulting and cajoling each other..... with love.

    Maybe you'll see me in the skies, maybe you won't. Lucky for me I don't try to meet your expectations because even if I tried, I couldnt. You can maintain your righteousness here.... alone.... enjoy it.

    I'm going back to the party.

  6. #21
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    Re: Old Matches


  7. #22
    Admin Bluetiereign's Avatar
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    Re: Old Matches

    Quote Originally Posted by raisedpassion View Post
    understood. I don't feel theres anything more to say here. While your community rots, mine has a movie filled with ppl, insulting and cajoling each other..... with love.

    Maybe you'll see me in the skies, maybe you won't. Lucky for me I don't try to meet your expectations because even if I tried, I couldnt. You can maintain your righteousness here.... alone.... enjoy it.

    I'm going back to the party.
    Since the community is starving for a new game, and slowly moving on to other games and developers to feed their desire for some good FPS action, I don't think 'rotting' would be an appropriate summary of what is happening to us. That having been said, if you do see me in the skies, it would have to be in HAWX2 at the moment. I recently added a pair of OC'd GTX 460's - and the game renders very nicely on them. Other than that, I've intentionally gone out of my way to avoid being 'righteous' with you, so that dig was a dud.

    Well, I'll let you go back to your movie filled with love, insults and cajoling. Take Care raisedpassion.

    Quote Originally Posted by raisedpassion View Post
    What kind of test ? Did you pass ? NM...

    Along those lines, since you have already stated there is nothing more to say here, I am closing this thread - unless the current CO of the squad has something to add on the behalf of his squad.


  8. #23
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    Re: Old Matches

    Richard, you are not the 'Father' of SAI. You never were, and no matter how you tell the story, you never will be. BuddyDog built SAI and made it what it was and is today. He had some good help from Stryder, Gamer, Dee and Unoyt - just to name a few. We had 32 members at one time. We still have 5 active members. None are interested in playing C-4 anymore, so we do not need or want your help. The SAI web page will be going down on 18 Jan 2011. I hope this is the end of this. Good Luck and Best Wishes.

    A friendly suggestion. You can always put up a server and password it to fly or train pilots.

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