Windows7...any opionions?
Yes. You suck.
Oh, you mean about Windows 7 ? I never had a problem with Vista...and aside from a few (very few, imho) changes... it appears to be about the same. For those who hated Vista, it was a great improvement. Both my wife and I have been running it since it came out. I bought it when they were pre-selling it for half price. She has been fine on her Home Premium. I have already had one rebuild on my Pro install.... which is the same number I had on my Vista install the whole time I had it. If it crashes again to the point of needing a re-install, it will have crashed more than Vista. Visually, very nice. It is not a resource hog either. I recommend it - especially if you are running XP... If you are running Vista and happy. I'd stick with it.
Only crashes I've had with win7 is when I overclocked my 2.5ghz cpu up to 4.0ghz Once the voltages and ram timings where set, win7 never crashes.
You suck more.
Windows 7 seems pretty smacking cool. My games seem to run a heck of a lot smoother. My wife has Vista on her laptop but I didn't really like it all that well since I've been a die hard XP Pro Power user. Haven't had to fiddle with to many settings with this. So far I'm feeling like 7 was a good choice...thanks for the input ya'll.
Seems people who overclock their computers thend to have more porblems with it then its that true?
Not once its stable.Just like any other pc but faster for the money spent..I'm stable on a conservative overclock now 3.4hgz running folding at home with cpu usage at 50-100% gpu usage at 100% (overclocked also)no crashes and cpu is just in the 40's Celsius.Way under 70-75celsius max Intel has for the chip.