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Thats right fellows,i have been banned from cfs server for the second time ...The first time i was banned cuz Rotor6 said i was lagging up the server because i was on 56k.
Now iam banned cuz iam on DSL?
ok lets be honest ,its because i out fly him when he comes in any server.if he had his way i would not be able to play at all seems to me .only because i win when i play him .he thinks i cheat,he has no proof of this ,cuz there is none i dont cheat ,iam just a better pilot than he is .Its a shame when the leader of CFS squad gets his panties in a wad when he is not winning every time.and that is just what is happening.you guy have known me some for over 8 years now and you know i dont cheat. as a c4 community dont you think this is going a little to far. banning me !do you really thing the people of this community will stand behine you on this decision? do the people of the c4 community think this is a fair and just reason to have me banned?
ALso there are new players entering the c4 game now,because of it being on Steam. now cfs server you cant come in if you are a Griffin.Now its there server they can do what ever they want .but does the c4 community think this is a good practise? i mean some of the noobs dont even know how to pick up there landing gear,how are they supposed to know to change there name?,,may be as a c4 community we should have a word with Nova and see if we cant get there whole server taken off if they are going to be this type of squad.now this has no reflection on the other members on the CFS squad ,this seems to be a personal matter between me and Rotor6,but he is the one making it personal.Not me.may be it would be a good idea if some of the members of cfs have a talk with Rotor6 and see what this is really all about...and when ya find out let me know.