Anyone else testing it out.I'm using the 64bit ultimate one.I like it a lot.Dont have Vista so i've got nothing to compare it against.
Anyone else testing it out.I'm using the 64bit ultimate one.I like it a lot.Dont have Vista so i've got nothing to compare it against.
I'm using 64bit Vista Ultimate. I'm going to wait until Windows 7 comes out to try it - probably even wait on SP1.
People have complained about Vista - but I've had very little trouble with it. It is a resource hog - so I increased my resources. I had some hardware issues - so I couldn't blame Vista when it finally crashed into needing a rebuild after 2 years. Which is a better record than XP had when I installed it. Maybe I'm more careful now... but I rebuilt XP so much, I lost my install privileges ( until I called Microsoft).
I hear if you like Vista, you will love Windows 7... so I am looking forward to it.
I like it.Only crashed when the overclock went goofy.That little e-5200 didn't care for 4.0 ghz.hehehe