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Thread: Can't finish campaign 1st mission

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Can't finish campaign 1st mission

    I am new to the task force dagger thing so maybe I am doing something wrong. However at the end of the first campaign mission in Al Bassii II after killing everybody, collecting intel, and going to my final waypoint or exfil site the helo never comes. I Know wre he is and infact I blew him up one time. Nonetheless if the chopper does not come I can't finish the mission so the campaign does not continue. I can play the other quick missions but really would like to use the campaign portion as well. Any input would be appreciated. I guess I may try to reload it. Thanks,
    Tim Garrett

  2. #2
    Admin Charger's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Part of the key is to destroy the Dish in the first compound. I never killed all the tango's but destroyed the dish, got the intel and then the chopper came.

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