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Thread: Black Fire

  1. #1
    Registered User Q-dad~TAG's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Jessheim, Norway

    Black Fire

    Lately I have started collecting all of the Novalogic games ever having been published, i.e. every version in any language, including compilations... I thought it would be an easy job, but during the last month or two on eBay, I discovered that there are loads of different versions of the different Novalogic games out there, and that I will need quite some time and patience before I could even begin to think I'm done...

    Anyway, the first place to start, is with the list of games developed by Novalogic. I have tried to contact Novalogic in order to have them send me a complete list of games, and also of the different versions, but as usual Novalogic did not care to reply...

    MobyGames has got a fairly updated list of games developed by Novalogic, but some of the versions and compilations I have found (and bought) during the last couple of months are not listed there yet, so in due time I will add them.

    Today, when I visited MobyGames, I noticed that another game had been added to the list, it being a game that I have never heard about before, i.e. Black Fire... I first thought that somebody had made a mistake, but after googling for the game, it seems that the information is correct...:

    Novalogic actually made a game called Black Fire in 1995, for the Sega Saturn game console.... Who would have guessed that...? I have now done a search for (and ordered) it on eBay, and here are the only information I have found about it on the internet so far, including only one review (se below)...:

    - Black Fire at MobyGames
    - Sega Saturn Info
    - Joby Otero Linked In public profile
    - GameSpot Info
    - Game Revolution Review

    Game Revolution Review:

    The enemy has locked on!
    Gotta shake him. I bank to the left only to have him shadow me. Then another helicopter joins him to finish me off. Lets face it, I'm doomed. I've already taken one shot to the back of my Chopper, another one will destroy me. Out of nowhere, my wingman flies in and blows one of the bogies to kingdom come. With that distraction, I slam on the air brakes, and the hunted becomes the hunter. I lock on with my sidewinder and let it fly. It slams into its target full force and explodes, taking my troubles with it. Sure, I meant to do that . . .

    BlackFire is the first helicopter simulation for the Saturn. You get to fly a state of the art helicopter over some beautiful texture mapped landscapes. A madman (insert Saddam's name here) is threatening the entire world and it is up to you to stop him. Sound familiar? It should if you ever played Desert, Jungle, or Urban Strike. Though we've heard this plot many times before, and it's just as campy, BlackFire does improve on the theme a little bit. The major change is that you have wingmen. Yes, the US government decided to send more than one person after the insane, nuclear powered madman. Also, you have to watch who you hit. If you happen to take down one of your wingmen by mistake the others will let you know by blowing you out of the sky. So remember, look before you shoot.

    The graphics are fantastic. The textured mapped landscapes slide beautifully underneath you. The maps are also big enough for you to get totally lost, no definitive border to this terrain. The enemies that fly past you or shoot you from the ground are all beautifully rendered. One of the coolest things to see is a wingman lose control and ram right into one of the enemies. Also, the baddies don't just disappear in a puff of smoke. Depending on where you hit them, their helicopter has different reactions. most of the time, the main blade stops rotating and the helicopter plunges to its grisly demise. Is that fun or what?

    The music for BlackFire is your everyday hard rock. Perfect for an all out air battle. You can also hear the radio chatter of the enemy (in Spanish) or the screams of agony that your wingmen emit as you blow them out of the sky(hee hee). The explosion of a missile smacking the side of your aircraft truly shakes you up. The designers did a great job meshing the sound and music with the all out action of the game.

    Many people say, "Well, how hard can it be. All you do is fly around shooting things!" In BlackFire, that kind of strategy doesn't work very well. It actually takes a lot of finesse to fly around in this simulator. One of the hardest things to do is control your helicopter after someone has blown of the rear rotor. If you don't do it right, you'll spin out of control right into a cliff. This game is a lot harder than it looks. Don't think you'll be able to do well without practice. Read the manual! That's an order soldier!

    Starting off, BlackFire is really frustrating; I couldn't count the number of times I got shot down by my wingmen. Once you get the hang of it, BlackFire becomes a lot of fun. This game doesn't coddle you, you really have to learn how to fly. So get out there and kick some major ass.

    Revolution Report Card


    + Takes skill to win.
    + Hard to tell who's who.
    Did anyone here even know about this game, and has anybody tried playing it...? To me it looks very much like the first Comanche game...
    Attached Images Attached Images
    TXP (Terrain Xpansion Pack) for DF2:

  2. #2
    Admin Bluetiereign's Avatar
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    Aug 2002

    Re: Black Fire

    This is the first I had heard of it. Good find. I don't own a sega though. Would do me no good.

  3. #3
    Registered User Q-dad~TAG's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Jessheim, Norway

    Re: Black Fire

    It seem like it's called Blackfire, and not Black Fire.

    Anyway, here are two in-game videos I found over at youtube...:
    TXP (Terrain Xpansion Pack) for DF2:

  4. #4
    Admin Charger's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Black Fire

    The second video looks nice for an older video game. The briefing in the beginning is cool, the way it shows you the objectives and route prior to the mission starting. Wish someone would come out with a good advanced helicopter game, Comanche5 would have been nice and I think Nova could have made a killing on such a version since C4 is still pretty popular even now. I waited for something like it, was almost certain it was going to happen...

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