The thing is, Than in this moments I can not to conect me, for to play in multiplayer to Comanche 4.
Is It my problem, or is for cause of Nova world?
Thanks for alls, for help me always...
The thing is, Than in this moments I can not to conect me, for to play in multiplayer to Comanche 4.
Is It my problem, or is for cause of Nova world?
Thanks for alls, for help me always...
Don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. But I have'nt heard of any other reason.Posted @
Novaworld Improvements
Posted by Webmaster on 04 AUG 2008
In about a month, Novaworld will be moved to a higher bandwidth location. This will cause an outage of a day or so as domains are repointed.
We're all down as far as I can tell, at least all of CFS is.. I guess I missed that note from Nova. Hopefully they will be back soon..we're all having withdrawls....
Rotor6 *CFS*
I am havving such withdrawls, that I am going postal on DF2
I sent notes back and forth on the Novaworld Forum, with a guy named "The Kyle". He says they took the C4 server down and as of last night were "checking it" I tried again this morining and still no C4. I sent him another PM to see what's up today and am waiting for a response. Hopefully, with the change of servers over to "high bandwidth" servers (this is what they are doing), we will be getting better connections and less lag for all.. Keep you fingers crossed.. If the widthdrawls get to bad you can always go back and play all those single player maps you never got around to... LOL
Rotor6 *CFS*
This is some of the info I got from KYLE, yesterday..
"I've just emailed our remote admins to make sure they are aware of the situation. Sorry for the delay, we are changing out hardware and moving machines that haven't been touched for years in some cases."
I would suggest that all of you send in a support request thru the Nova Support page. That way they know we are all waiting on them, and also to let them know that we don't want C4 to be turned off permanently!.. The more who ping them, the better.. I think..
More as I get it..
Rotor6 *CFS*
Seems to be working fine this morning... EFA had their VM server running.
Yes, Comanche 4 has been up all weekend. The only problem is that the old login bypass doesn't seem to work. If you go with the origanal Startup.htm, you can create an account.
With that said, there is an issue of nameless players. From my understanding, it was that bypass that corrected that problem.
Is there a new bypass avalible? Or is there a new URL that can be wrote into the Startup? I know of 3 other people pulling there hair out now because of it.
We have heard that some were able to see the servers, but the majority could not get past the lobby page.. whether they used by-pass or not. I tried both ways over the weekend and got nothing.. I was told the name issue is fixable, but you'll have to talk to Doggie about it, cuz I don't remember the fix.. LOL I've slept since then
According to KYLE.. The servers running C4 (yours, ours, etc) all need to be rebooted and updated to pick up the latest info. If this is correct, then the bypass should still work. I've asked CFS (those at home today) to try to get in, and to let us know if there are issues. If there's need for a work around, we'll find out shortly.
Rotor6 *CFS*
Ok after banging my head on the walls for hours at a time, here is a login bypass.......
1-open STARTUP.HTM with notepad (located in c4 folder)
2- copy the following text and replace whats in there now.
Code:<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Game Servers</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT="#FFFFFF" BGCOLOR="#111177" LINK="#FFFFFF" VLINK="#000000" ALINK="#000000"> <center><font face="tahoma"><font size="-4"> If you experience problems joining or locating games, please send a note to <br>All other support related inquiries should be sent to <br>©2001 NovaLogic, Inc. Rev NW2.0.2</font></font><br></CENTER> <center> <!--IBDLL:IBGL.DLL name="c4_2" gamelisturl="" setcol=9 top=0 max=18 infobar_enabled=1 navbar_enabled=1 pagebar_enabled=1 gamelist_enabled=1 pagebuilt_enabled=1 infobar_order=3 navbar_order=1 pagebar_order=2 gamelist_order=0 pagebuilt_order=8 navbar_refresh_enabled=0 navbar_reload_enabled=1 navbar_ping_enabled=1 navbar_top_enabled=1 navbar_prev_enabled=1 navbar_pagewindow_enabled=1 navbar_pagewindow_size=9 navbar_next_enabled=1 navbar_bottom_enabled=1 gamelist_numbering_enabled=0 label_loadingserverlist="<center><br><br><br>Loading server list....<br><br></center>" label_gettingpingtimes="<center><br><br><br>Calculating ping times....<br>(This may take a while)<br></center><br clear=all>" label_totalserversonline="Servers" label_totalplayersonline="Players" label_spacer="<font face="tahoma"><font size="1"><b>--</b></font></font>" label_headerprefix="<font face="tahoma"><font size="1"><b>" label_headerpostfix="</b></font></font>" label_sortprefix="" label_sortpostfix="" label_sortreverseprefix="" label_sortreversepostfix="" label_dataprefix="<font face="tahoma"><font size="1"><b>" label_datapostfix="</b></font></font>" label_tableprefix="" label_tablepostfix="<p> <br><font face="tahoma"><font size="1"><b>Click on column headers to change sort order.</i><br><A HREF="">Back to home page</A><BR>" label_selprefix="<font face="tahoma"><font size="1">" label_selpostfix="</b></font></font>" label_disableprefix="<font face="tahoma"><font size="1"><b>" label_disablepostfix="" label_refresh="<font face="tahoma"><font size="1"><b>Redraw</b></font></font>" label_reload="Reload" label_ping="Ping" label_top="First" label_previous="Prev" label_pagewindowpre="..." label_pagewindowpost="..." label_next="Next" label_bottom="Last</b></font></font>" label_page="<font face="tahoma"><font size="1"><b><A HREF="c4_2_main.htm">Back to home page</A>---</font>Page" label_gamelistlastupdated="Game list last built" label_pst="PST</b></font><font><br>" label_pingna="n/a" label_pingworking="" label_pingms="ms" label_pingtimeout="???" label_cantload="<br><br>An error occurred trying to retrieve game list.<br><br>Please try again later.<br><br>" label_errorcode="Error code" field align="LEFT" width="210" label="Game Name________________________" data="@ServerName@" url="" endfield field align="LEFT" width="50" label="Country_" data="@Country@" endfield field align="LEFT" width="50" label="Dedicated_" data="@Dedicated@" endfield field align="LEFT" width="20" label="PW_" data="@Password@" endfield field align="LEFT" width="20" label="Time_" data="@TimeLeft@" endfield field align="LEFT" width="130" label="Mission Name_________" data="@MissionName@" endfield field align="LEFT" width="130" label="Game Type___________" data="@GameType@" endfield field align="LEFT" width="60" label="Players___" data="@Players@ of @MaxPlayers@" endfield field align="LEFT" width="50" label="Ping___<p>" data="@Ping@" endfield --> </center> </BODY></HTML>
3- SAVE it
4- go fly, kill and have fun!
You sure about all of that? My Start-up file is the By-pass file and it doesn't have any of that stuff in it, just a few entries (maybe 5) and the links?
I did however replace the HTTP links with yours and can get past the lobby, but then it sits on Loading... and then fails saying it cannot connect with the selected Novaworld Game.. Heck I never got to a game to select..LOL
So what's next?
Rotor6 *CFS*
I also tried your work around and got no where... It says unexpected error and never gets to the server page... ARGGGG!
I've sent 4 (now) requests to NOVA for help, I've received ZERO replies, except the automated "we got your email " BS.. I also called them and they have a recording that says look at the Forums and Help pages on Nova WOrld and NOva Logic if you need computer support... I need F**&^%$ GAME SUPPORT!! Man that chaps my hide (trying to be nice so I won't get edited LOL)
If you come across a fix that we all can use, please let us know... And Thanks for tryin'
Rotor6 *CFS*
Ok Rotor, try opening a blank page in Notepad.
Copy the above and Paste it.
Save As STARTUP.HTM to a location (desktop easy to find)
Go to your c4 folder and remove your old startup.htm
Move your new STARTUP.HTM to your c4 folder.
Attached to this post is the one strait from my game.
All that extra stuff is just that... extras.
It shows additional information about the servers.
I thought Nova had started requiring that everyone now log in to play their games... even DF2.
You are correct Blue, back in April, they started doing that.
If I violated TOS, im sorry and please delete my postings.
I was just trying to help.