I'm sure most of you have heard or read about the recent development in human cloning, a little girl called "Eve" was born on boxing day 26/12/02.
The scientists which produced this child are part of a cult who believe that we humans were created by extra terrestials.
The Raleans(sp) have quite a lot of members , not sure how many , but enough to help fund this project in total secrecy.
It hasn't actually been confirmed as to whether this has actually happened or is a hoax, but the very fact that people actually want to do this type of experiment, is a very frightening thought for me.
Ok i'm not religious as such but i'm a big believer in babies being born the "natural" way. Testubes are fine also but to produce an exact replica of another human being in my eyes is a step towards the destruction of the human race as we know it, and a step closer to producing "slaves" for the powers that are or will be.
Heres a link to the story
Heres the future.
(edited to change image format)
[Edited on 1-12-2003 by Sentinel]