OK, for a project i am doing, i need a programmer that can write programs to run under windows, i would prefer .net but im not picky, as long as it will function flawless under windows xp/server 2003/vista i really dont care!

The position could have some perks if the project is a success! if not then no!

So the Rundown:
1. the app must be able to sort through an exes memory/hex data and grab certain info and values from it!
2. It must be able to associate the values into the groups there meant to be in. this one is easy!
3. It must be able to do an http request to a certain IP to post the data via
http to replicate this example!

an added item that would be very usefull but isnt mandatory, is the ability
to look at the exe and find its version to look for the correct values for this version!

so the same program could be used to report the data from any number of known variants of a exe!

Anyone interested, tempted, curious?