Some pretty kewl work with Photoshop.
Also kind a shows the effects of drinking as the night gets later.
Some pretty kewl work with Photoshop.
Also kind a shows the effects of drinking as the night gets later.
Great stuff!
Let´s see what happens this night later....
It's pretty amazing how much a picture can be altered. Kinda makes ya think how many pictures you've looked at in the past, that were not real !
I thought the pic looked just fine to begin with!
Thanks. Only about half the sigs I have in the rotation are ones I've made but here is some of the other things I've done.
If you want a copy of the script I use for the sig rotation I can send it to you also. All you need is a site to host it from. And from the link under your sig I think you got that covered. Nice work by the way.
I use Paint Shop Pro XI and a host of plug ins. Mainly the Alien Skin sets but also some of the Auto FX and Flaming Pear. Been playing around in Paint Shop since version 7 and still finding new things it can do all the time.
I started with PaintShop and now using PhotoShop CS2. Paintshop is awesome but I think Photoshop, in my opinion, hands down is the bomb. I've got a dozen and a half filters, skins, this and that. I love to manipulate layers and like you I'm still learning what it really can do. Its a'lotta fun to mess around with.