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Thread: What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion

  1. #1
    DoggieDaddy *CFS* Redhawk's Avatar
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    What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion

    Just wondering what is going on with ae1050 and the new C4 Expansion pack.
    Is everything still being developed or has it been scrapped?

    It seems all that was happening to C4 in the past few months has come to a screeching halt.

    Please don't think I'm being critical, I'm just curious what has happened to everything?

    I have had several issues come up with AE1040 and can't get any answers so we have had to discontinue using it at CFS until we can fix it.

  2. #2
    Admin Bluetiereign's Avatar
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    Re: What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion

    Actually, Blue is always here. I'm just quiet most of the time. I'm here at least twice a day... answering when I can - but mostly checking out the backend to approve or eject new membership requests and keep the forums updated. Thanks to the new bot systems, memberships have to be approved manually - or the forums would be filling up with viagra and hoodia ads. Anyway, to answer the questions.

    Where is Inso ? I have no idea. I have messaged him and emailed him. He was doing everything he was doing for free and on his own dime - and finding more and more problems the deeper he delved. He was basically carrying the project all on his own - and looking at code until he was cross-eyed. Maybe he needed some time off... maybe he has a personal life that needs some attention... maybe he was just fed up with that jerk Redhawk's mess...(jk)... I don't know. Whatever he is doing now... he improved things for Comanche4 while he was here... while many spend their time trying to ruin them. I'm now getting reports of new cheats being used - by a squad I thought beyond repute. I couldn't blame him if he turned his back on the whole community, to be honest. People just need to lock up their servers, give a password to the games - and punt and ban those they find cheating.

    As for the Expansion Pack... well, that was actually going to be finalized for the md5 check and the anti-cheat program that Inso was going to put out. As previously discussed, Inso has left the building... so if I don't hear from him within a reasonable amount of time, I will finalize what we have... and put it up. I hope that clears things up.

  3. #3
    The Wraith-WYD- RAB's Avatar
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    Re: What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion

    Got a question about the C4 XP mod for you Blue . Is there a way to make it so that players without the mod wont be able to join a server thats running the mod. As it is right now a player with out the mod will sysdump if a map using a mod terrain cycles. But if a map maker was to use some of the mod items on a stock terrain, a player not running the mos would still be able to join the server. A player with out the mod would not be able to see any mod items. To a player with the mod it would appear he would be able to fly through and shoot through buildings on the map. But the non mod player wouldnt see them at all. I can already hear the accusations of cheating arising from a situation like that. The only way to avoid it would be to only use mod items on a mod terrain so a non mod player would dump out the server when the map ran.

  4. #4
    Admin Bluetiereign's Avatar
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    Re: What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion

    A very legit question RAB... and one that I cannot answer. The original plans were to finish the MOD when Inso got ready to use the 3-way anti-cheat software with a MD5 check on the pffs.

    Honestly, I don't know where any of it stands now. I can't get in touch with Inso - and I don't even know if he will return to tell us he won't be back.

  5. #5
    The Wraith-WYD- RAB's Avatar
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    Re: What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion

    OK Thanks for the info. Hopefully Inso will come back. But if not I guess we work with what we have.

  6. #6
    Admin Reaper's Avatar
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    Re: What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion

    If it stays the way it is now, You can always rename each stock .trn file to an ex terrain using all the original files. Then make sure mappers only use those terrains for Exspanstion maps. The .trn files are only text files and would add very little size to the down load.
    Just an idea But that would take care of players with out the exspantion joining exspantion servers using a stock terrain. On completed maps all that would need to be done is to swap the terrain used now with the ex sister terrain and re export the bms file.

  7. #7
    The Wraith-WYD- RAB's Avatar
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    Re: What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion

    I just went and left a post for Bobo on the DS Ladder site. I belive he knows enough about code to be able to modify the C4.exe file and make it only allow players with the mod to enter. Now I just need to wait on an answer and hope he will help.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion

    Deleted by RB
    Last edited by RED BARON; 12-31-2006 at 02:16 PM.

  9. #9
    DoggieDaddy *CFS* Redhawk's Avatar
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    Re: What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion

    Quote Originally Posted by RED BARON View Post
    I think that was one of the things that Inso was concerned about was the new pilot not being able to get into a server and not knowing why. If all the servers are running this mod then there will be zero new players.
    This is just my opinion but I think the host manager is the one that needs to be scrapped along with about 70% of the maps. I know I'm not one of the very best pilots but I have been playing this game long enough to know when some one is using some thing that the rest are not. When AE40 came out it was fun to fly again now we are getting back to the same old thing. While Inso was helping me to put the 1st AE 40 on the SAI server he told me that it would not last too long, that there where to many s***heads out there would not let it. But at least we got to see what some of the very best where doing. I just hope he does come back to finesh the C4 Expansion pack.
    i'M NOT SURE WHY YOU DON'T LIKE HOST MANAGER RED BARRON. Itr could be a personal thing between you and Avenger or something. But host manager is a very useful utility and Avenger worked as hard as anyone to try to help C4. I for one, and I'll have to say I'm not the only one, like Host manager because it adresses the Efam bug in a very efficient manner. It lets servers change map server order. For instance stock or custom or mixed. Or choose certain maps for matches if wanted. It takes the unlimited altitude away. This is another way of cheating that some don't see as cheating. Because the highest limit by running stock files is aprox 999 or less. It checks 8h and does spawn delay to help fight invisability. No program is fool proof and hack proof as you already stated. But as far as it's usefulness it is a very good and I have to say with the request a program most squads want. So why don't you tell us what exactly it is you don't like about the program. And don't say because people can get around it. There's not a program made that cheaters can't get around and you know that. Why don't you give a something that is better if it is such a bad program. I too would very much like to see the AE1050 released. I don't know anyone or any squad in C4 that doesn't want it. But until we have another program that will do what host manager does. I think you shouldn't be trashing it. We run host manager and AE1040 if you look at our server list. This is because host manager has some good things 1040 doesn't have and 1040 has some things Host manager doesn't have. It really makes me wonder if your down on the program or the creator of it and the people who still use it. Just what is it you don't like about it. I would very much like to hear the reasons.

  10. #10
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    Re: What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion

    No Redhawk, I do not have any thing against Avenger. I was just giving my opinion, I did not make that post to start any thing nor do I want to start any thing so I deleted it.
    And no I do not know any thing about programing and I do not pretend to.

  11. #11
    Comanche Fighter Squadron W@tchtower*CFS*'s Avatar
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    Re: What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion

    IMHO these forums are just that: OPINIONS expressed for the purpose of finding answers, solving problems, or issues amongst players. I dont believe in deleting a post because there is a difference of opinions. Both sides can state their views in a non-threatening manner. We often post open-ended statements without clarifying what we mean, or openly attack each other because we dont see the other persons point of view. But to delete a post, or openly attack someone for a post or opinion, gets us no where. I am not a programmer either, and personally would like to hear RB's reasons why he doesnt like the Host Manager, without this turning into a testosterone posting match.

    *CFS* Own the Skies

  12. #12
    Admin Bluetiereign's Avatar
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    Re: What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion

    Quote Originally Posted by W@tchtower*CFS* View Post
    IMHO these forums are just that: OPINIONS expressed for the purpose of finding answers, solving problems, or issues amongst players. I dont believe in deleting a post because there is a difference of opinions. Both sides can state their views in a non-threatening manner. We often post open-ended statements without clarifying what we mean, or openly attack each other because we dont see the other persons point of view. But to delete a post, or openly attack someone for a post or opinion, gets us no where. I am not a programmer either, and personally would like to hear RB's reasons why he doesnt like the Host Manager, without this turning into a testosterone posting match.
    Ahhh, who asked for your level headed opinion anyway Watch ? You think you can just drop in here and post your common sense and get away with it ? I'll ban your sorry butt... along with Red Baron for posting his own opinion about the Host Manager... if I don't agree with it.

  13. #13
    Admin Reaper's Avatar
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    Re: What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion

    You guys are too funny. Even as players disagree, flame each other and all the personal stuff the C4 community goes thru, after all these years there are still players enjoying C4. That in its self is more than Nova earned and deserves.

    Heres wishing you all a Happy New Year and another year of C4!.

  14. #14
    Registered User IAF Pilot's Avatar
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    Re: What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion

    Hello All , please where i can download "host" manager not "player" manager .

  15. #15
    CPD Member Santa AkA SoDam's Avatar
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    Re: What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion

    In my humble opinion

    I like Host manager because has Soooo many functions that AE10-40 does not have.

    Don’t knock it until you have tried it and all it functions

    Talk about scrapping it is absurd

    I am amazed to see that it is not available for download*&mh=100

    Has it been taken off the download list already because there is something wrong with it?

    Or is it just being scrapped?

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