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Thread: Making my own PFF files 2

  1. #1
    Registered Looser
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    Making my own PFF files 2

    In the manual it says to make 2 new icons on my desk top. I know what the add on for "dfbhd.exe /mod mymod" is for and what it does. I just don't under stand the reason for adding to my MED.

    dfbhdmed205c.exe /mod mymod

    can any one tell me the reason for this


  2. #2
    Admin Bluetiereign's Avatar
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    Aug 2002

    Re: Making my own PFF files 2

    Because the items that are in your mod will be in a different .pff.

    The shortcut directs the med to load your items, so you can make a map that includes your mod. Otherwise, it will not load your mod items and you will not see them in the med.

  3. #3
    Registered Looser
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    Re: Making my own PFF files 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluetiereign View Post
    Because the items that are in your mod will be in a different .pff.

    The shortcut directs the med to load your items, so you can make a map that includes your mod. Otherwise, it will not load your mod items and you will not see them in the med.
    I under stand the first part. and I know what your saying about the map not finding the items.

    What your saying is that the MED would see the items that I put in the PFF file if I don't redirect it there Right. well what about making a new map. The items wouldn't be there any way untill I start adding them. Or I'm not under standing this at all.

    See when I make a new map it doesn't save it to my pff file. just to the hard drive. after I'm done with my map thats when I add them to my pff file.

    Thats how I did it with mission 1 & 2. As far as I know you can't edit or change the map thats in the PFF file. You have to extract it and then change it. and the add it back in Right.

    Thats how I been doing it. Sorry Blue or maybe I'm lost here. I don't know

    Thanks for your help

  4. #4
    Registered User Inso «Ð*§*§»'s Avatar
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    Re: Making my own PFF files 2

    Sounds like maybe your not getting it, a map or map file is nothing more then a list of items and there x/y/z cords it does NOT contain any of the actual items, only a LIST of the items to load from the pff resources and where to put them on the terrian file that is used(again a pointer to the file to load, not actually the terrian). Try opening an MIS file in a text editor or a BMS file in a hex editor and youll see what I mean. The med contains pictures and details about the items but again does not contain the item! The switch directs the exe to also load resource files from both the PFF and the local directory. If you pack your files in the game pff without createing the app med files and packing them in the med pff then game will load med wont, resource files packed in the med are different from those packed in the game. and rather then making two different sets of resource files, make one set and use the switch.

    If you understnd why your adding the switch to the game exe ummm apply the SAME reasoning to doing it with the med as it is for the same reason!
    "Insofucious say: The day is only long when life is short!"

  5. #5
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    Re: Making my own PFF files 2

    Ok, let me try and under stand this. Yes. I know that the MIS files are just text files. they don't have the WAV, WAC,BMS, or items or any thing like that. They just have the Information about the items, Wac and so on.

    Ok, that part I get.

    This is how I do it. I create a new map. I then add items. Buildings People. Effects. or what ever. I create any WAV files and WAC files that I need and put then in the game directory. When I'm done creating my map. I move the map and files to a temp directory and add them to my PFF file.

    Then copy the new PFF file to my /mod directory and play when ever I want.

    Thats how I do it. I don't use the modified MED to make my Maps, or should I. Do to the fact that there are no files in the PFF file for it to read. I havn't made them yet.

  6. #6
    Admin Bluetiereign's Avatar
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    Re: Making my own PFF files 2

    I'm lost. I have no idea what you are asking at this point.

    I don't pack map files into a pff. WAC files=yes, Custom WAV = never use them, bms, til or bin=no. I just leave them in the directory. So, I'm not getting the question at all.

    You can quit packing the files - and just put a /d at the end of your shortcut to do what it sounds like you are doing.

  7. #7
    Registered Looser
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    Re: Making my own PFF files 2

    Ok, what I'm trying to tell you is that I pack every thing, The map. Wac & wav files. in my PFF. I like doing that. I thing it's better then your game directory isn't full of files. and you have to take time out to sort them and figger out what this is for and this is for, and so on. It's doesn't matter Blue. I keep doing what I'm doing now.

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