Hello allwho has experience also Terrain Production for Comanche4?
Here have all Peopels with Terrain experience the Possibility for the c4exp new Terrains to makes.
Who Interest has, can itself here announce.
Hello allwho has experience also Terrain Production for Comanche4?
Here have all Peopels with Terrain experience the Possibility for the c4exp new Terrains to makes.
Who Interest has, can itself here announce.
Last edited by ZAK; 10-06-2006 at 12:40 PM.
What kind/type of terrains are you looking for?
"Insofucious say: The day is only long when life is short!"
I search jungle (Green) Terrains, for European War Missions, with Streets River, Terrains for Towns/Airfield. Can you me?
working on a green mountinous one right now.
here's a quik render of it.
Cool thanks, Pleases me. Have this Terrain Place for Streets or SCUDs/Tanks.
It will when I'm done with it.
Some ss of another terrain I'm working on.Plenty of flat spots at differant levels.Also good amount of gulleys to fly undetected in.
Good Work, Wildman2![]()
THX Still working on putting some roads in up to the flatter spots.
Hello, how is the current Status from you C4 Terrains, Wildman2?
Very nice good work. Every time I go to d-load c-4 terrain it tells me to slow down and haven't even d-loaded anything yet lol. Why