Originally Posted by
Part 1
Is it possable to do this. I have 3 cargo ships. One ship has 2 enemy choppers on it. the other 2 ships " 1) has 3 tanks and 3) sam's." the other one has enemy soldiers on it. well the tanks drop threw and the enemy soldiers drown.
I set the Z value 50+ and it still doesn't work
Part 2
The 2 choppers take off after 2 destroyers get blow up from 2 F-16's. the choppers land behine the base and teleport the enemor and soldiers behind.
An area trigger sets the base on red alert. and wp points bring the enemy armor and soldiers to the base.
I don't seem to have a problem with getting the choppers to stay on the ship.
My only concern is part 1.
any ideas on part 1