Anyone know where I can find the image that is used during the credits and as the actual game launcher as wallpaper? Pretty cool looking. Though, any similar wallpapers is welcome as well!
Anyone know where I can find the image that is used during the credits and as the actual game launcher as wallpaper? Pretty cool looking. Though, any similar wallpapers is welcome as well!
I know Reaper had made some wallpapers for C4 a while back. As for the in game shots, I can dig through the pff files and pull them out if you want them.
Here ya go. If its not one of these let me know and I'll look again.
These r load screens all 800 X600 if you have photo shop or another graphics editing program you can convert them to Jpegs for wall paper
Thanks, that was all I was looking for except the one that is on the launch screen...