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Thread: dialog using WAC

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    dialog using WAC

    Y do we need to use a WAC thingy to play dialog y can't we just upload the dialog list on to the mission editor and use the 'play dialog' option to play them????

    I need to no more about the WAC things i don't under stand them or how to activate them or anything!!!

  2. #2
    Admin Reaper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    There are options in the meds that don't work. Wac commands give the mission builder options they wouldn't have other wise. Nova has added more wac commands to each game built on the original C4 game engine.

    Writing the wac script is not all that hard. Spend a few hours and you will have a pretty good idea how to do it.

    There are some tuts around to explain how to write them. But the first thing you should do is :

    Use the pff editor to get the KYLE.wac out of the localres pff. That file will contain the wac commands.

    If you want to play sound files or show text on the game screen you need to use a wac file to do it. Advanced wac scripts will let you do things there is no way to do in the med such as count dead ai, set timers and other things.

    Since you working in BHD the only catch is other players who play your server need the wac file to see the wac events you write.

  3. #3
    Admin Bluetiereign's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Example File Available --> Sound Enviroment .

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