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Thread: C4 Server Info

  1. #1
    DoggieDaddy *CFS* Redhawk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    C4 Server Info

    When serving C4 what do the numbers that appear when you hit the enter key mean. I have figured it shows something about the data recieved, I think, but what is the significants of the information. I know when someone sys dumps it goes to 000 0000 to show no data being recieved, but what if any info will the numbers show for pilots playing. Also is there a program available that will track or log the number of pilots logging into the server since it has been rebooted last. I also have people asking me the IP of certain "suspitious pilots" and I don't have any way to tell. Is there any program that can do this with C4?

  2. #2
    DoggieDaddy *CFS* Redhawk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Surely I haven't stumped everyone with this question. I am only asking a simple question. I've not been in C4 long enough to figure out all the answers because Novalogic quit caring about us before I came along. There has to be a legitimate reason for the numbers in the server that may be able to teach something or they wouldn't be there. Believe me I love C4 still and probably always will and will always be trying to find a way to defeat the ones trying to exploit the cheats and gliches in the game.

  3. #3
    The Wraith-WYD- RAB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I'm not positive but I always thought they were upload/download information. Not only do they go to zero when someone sysdumps they will also go to zero when a player dies and hasnt respawned. Players with a set of numbers in () will show a player caught in a CI. I also believe if somebody try to cable the numbers will go to zero at times.
    This is just some things I figured out on my own and from talking to some other people. Not exactly sure if it's all correct though.
    As for the IP addresses. I know the game stores them somewhere. You would probably need a seperate program to access them. In BHD the server manager will display the IP of any person that enters the server. You would need something along those lines to do the same for C4.

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