For some reason my night vision doesn't work. It just turns everything into a green blur. Anyone got an idea why?
For some reason my night vision doesn't work. It just turns everything into a green blur. Anyone got an idea why?
Try updating your vid drivers.
I gave that a try. It did seem to make some difference. Instead of just a green blur, now I'm getting a green number matrix. This blows.
What type of video card you have. I've talked to some with newer nVidia cards that have had problems with the newer drivers and BHD.
S3 Graphics SavagePro DDR
Is this intergrated graphics. From what I've found it looks like it. If so it might not get any better than what you got now.
If your in Tampa on a Thursday or Friday night, you might want to hit South HowardSOHO. Lots of nice Restaurants and bars