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Thread: Dissapearing Towers???

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Dissapearing Towers???

    This is a TFD question.
    I have just completed a map and within it are several towers, the wooden ones, httwr I think. My problem is this.
    Towards the end of the map (after the tower guards have been killed), I have ground troops and parras ambushing the players. When this happens, and I'm still not sure at exactly what point it occurs, the towers dissapear!!!
    The BG's that were in the towers are hanging dead in mid air but no towers.
    Why does this happen and can I do anything to fix it.
    Thanx in advance.
    Also as an aside, there are 31 available teleport markers in the game, but if I use more than 28 the last 3 just do not work. Why is this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    1st problem disapearing towers

    this problem is uaslly came across when you have 2 many objects in the map at 1 time and your vid card cannot draw all seen on screen . solution add some fog to make visabillity 100m or remove some of the items in map.

    2nd problem

    yes there is 31 teleport markers and all should work n/p be sure ya have assigned the right ai group to right teleport marker if ya still have problem w/teleport . email me the .mis for said map , i'll look into it fix it then explain what was wrong
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Thanks Edward. I will mail you the .mis file for u 2 look at. You should know a couple of things though, before you start thinking "oh my god, why did he do that".
    1. I have resolved the problem with teleporting. I changed some things from teleprt to waypoint insertion.
    2. I hear what u are saying about 2 many objects, but, I will be surprised if this is the problem. There is not 2 much in the map u see, it doesnt rely on lots of buildings or objects, just the "storyline" and AI's.
    3. I had an issue with groups following waypoints, when I first tried it the bg's came in in a long line and were easy targets, even when i set some 2 break right or left they did not spread out. What I did eventualy was set up a wp list for EACH bg. This took a while but the end result is better.
    I didnt want to set up lots of different events to "change deaf to off", "change blind to off", "redirect to wp list#", as I would have had to do this for every bg. This is what I did then, and maybe others may want 2 use the idea.
    I allocated each bg to his wp list and DID NOT make them deaf or blind. This means that they start to follow the waypoints as soon as the map starts. To stop them doing this I placed a WALL around each group. Then when I wanted them to move I only need ONE event - vaporise the wall. As soon as the wall disapears the bg's come a running.

    Can you look at the Southern group though as when I tested it last night only 3 of the 9 followed their waypoints but as far as I can see the wp's are set up and assigned correctly.

    Thanks again Edward .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    sure buddy i'll look into it i wont be abel to look untill about friday but i will look and fix it for ya peace
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

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