Is there a C4 Mission Editor that will work on windows XP?
Is there a C4 Mission Editor that will work on windows XP?
Is your C4MED.exe in your C4 folder? May not work unless it is.
I seem to recall there was some weird problem with the med and certain resolutions on some graphics cards ? try different resolution - higher is better and see if it fixes the prob. aslo, I think med6 (the last one I have anyway) was by pappy for 4x, tkoth and unlocked was the best one - I think there is a link on here somewhere, maybe you could search the forum for threads on it or ask blue, it might even be here for download.
When i try to start my MED, it says "couldn't load text.bin", and when the med starts everywhere it says: BadTextoolString.
I tried changing the resulotion, but - no luck. Any ideas how can i fix it!
By the way, my mission editor is in the same folder as the game.
Is this editor the one that came with the game disk? If so then try this out and see if it makes any difference.
Yup, it's the med that came with the CD, and unfortunately the med you offered didn't work -Thank anyway
Any other clues that could help me?
Pleae post:
You are missing the medtext.bin file in your med.pff. (Anyone else that wants to duplicate this error - try temporarily removing yours. )
Try re-installing the game or grab the med.pff directly off of your C4 install disk and put it in your install directory.
I've never heard of this particular error ( a corrupted/missing file in the med.pff )... which makes me wonder, did you download or buy the game ? Is it a demo version from another games install disk or a full version ?
Ive had the same problem at times. Never knew why it did that though. I have an original copy of C4. I usually fixed it by reinstalling the game or windows. LOL Glad to know theres an easier way now.
Well then, I guess that answers my question. If the error persists - then perhaps its a disc/drive read error. I've had CDROM drives go south - and give this much trouble when using them to install programs. Usually, if it is just a disc problem - the install is interrupted - claiming it cannot read from the CD.Originally Posted by RAB
Thanks for the help! I fixed that part - BUT - now when i start the med (before too) it says it can't load the default waypoint bin file. Which one's that? So i can copy that file from cd too, thanx
As far as I know, there is no waypoint.bin file. STRWP are kept in the mission's bin file, but I can't remember ever seeing a bin file dedicated only to waypoints. With this many errors - you should probably uninstall/reinstall the game anyway.
Try PM'ing Avenger - he might be able to help you on that one.
And while you are at it - how about taking a screenshot of the error and posting it.
Thanks for all the help!!! I reinstalled it, and found out where the problem was. I did a small install, and the mission editor didn't work again(it wasn't even there)! Then i did a second reinstall - this time large and no problem Thanks again!
You know I was just thinking. Did you happen to do a small install cause I think that the editor will not install with a small install, try doing a big install this time...oh...err...ahhh yeah, I didn't see your post on the large install thingy up there untill just now...okay then...nevermind.