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Thread: Setting up Goals in NILE

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Setting up Goals in NILE

    Im playing around with NILE and learning how to make coop maps with objectives like having to blow up a com dish or something, but it doesn't appear in the Goals list when your playing the game. I've tried looking for a tutorial on how to make it appear but can't find any tutorials at all.
    Can someone enlighten me??


  2. #2
    Moderator Doorway's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Re: Setting up Goals in NILE

    Hi smurf ... I'm working on some coop maps also , and have had the same problem.. The sad thing is that I believe the only way to get the mission objectives to work is through the missions "Victory Conditions" in the Nile, and with 1 of the earlier updates it has been turned off(greyed out). The Niles instructions even shows a picture of how it is done(that's pretty sad) .What I have done is when i'm hosting my map , I just tell everyone through chat what the objectives are , and relying on the highlighted items in the spin map to show everyone when a certain area is clear and then move on to the next objective..Sorry I don't have more info.We're all waiting for that "miracle update" for the Nile to get here..We need Waypoints , Win Conditions , and Groups . I'll keep digging into this..

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