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Thread: Jotr

  1. #1
    Moderator Doorway's Avatar
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    Apr 2003


    Well i must try to take my foot out of my mouth here.. For my Bday my wife bought me a new video card and now JO runs just great for me..My previous comments on JO were all pretty negative 1's , for that i apologize.. I shouldn't cut down a game mainly because i didn't have the right hardware to run it.. The graphics are unreal and the game play is smooth.. I've just started messing with the NILE and I am very impressed with it.. So much more to it than past meds..I'm sure i'll have plenty of questions . I just felt like I needed to say something good about JO.. Very cool game..

  2. #2
    Admin Bluetiereign's Avatar
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    Aug 2002

    Re: Jotr

    There are some improvements on the way. But... your negative comments weren't exactly 'way out line'... That med is still a beta, there are so many glitches to be exploited, that it gets frustrating to play against those exploiting them at times. Some maps are so full of tanks and heavy armour - they are ruined.

    The game looks good - but JOE went to a dreary, rainforest atmosphere... Some people go for that type of thing.. but personally, I didn't buy a nice video card to look at brown, green and black - only.

    On the plus side. JOTR looks awesome. The upcoming update looks promising - well..., as promising as they can manage with an ancient engine. And... best of all... there is COOP.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Jotr

    you left out some other great features of the game, dude !! the cd that the game comes on equals or exceeds the previously discovered coffee-cup coaster and frizbee capabilities of all the other latest cd's from sprint, aol, msn, etc. lol (J/K)

  4. #4
    Admin Charger's Avatar
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    Re: Jotr

    I personally would have loved JO and Nile more if the editor was complete on release of the game. It's not a bad game and infact it is pretty fun to play. There are negitive aspects and positive as well. My beef isn't with the game itself as much as the editor, it looks real good on the outside but truthfully it's not a decent workable editor. Fact that it's been over six months since the editor came out and still it lacks the major functions. To be even more truthful with you, it's highly doubtful the Joint Ops will be all that fresh, if and when the editor becomes complete or at least off the BETA list. Other games will probably push it right off the blackboard by then anyway. My feeling is that Nile isn't being design around JO or even JOE but something else that Nova has up it's sleeve...they've dropped that hint many times on NW.

    Well doorway I've read your post and glad to hear that the game runs properly for you, might as well get to enjoy it since you paid good money for it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Re: Jotr

    personally i really can't stand JOE, I really liked JO before the update for JO-JOE. I was a JO beta tester 1-2-3, also JOE for the 1st 3 weeks then i uninstalled JOE beta and gave up. Yes charger your right nile should have been more complete, to make more then just a good basic map you almost need a BA degree. I mean what events that do work need a wac file created many ppl have unfinished COOP maps because of this. And yes Blue you hit the nail on the head i didnt buy a good vid card either to see dull dark dreary maps. in order for my system to have decent frame rate in gm, all my settings are on low or off. I manage 35-50fps, 50 fps on server's that have less then 10 players, now since my displeasure with Nl i found AA {America's Army} this game after the learning curve rocks reminds me of my beloved DFLW days. In AA my vid settings are set higher then JOE, all set between normal to high 1024x768 screen res same for JOE. My AA experince is smoother and way more enjoyable, my puter specs are

    AMD XP2000 @1675 MGHz
    1gig pc2700 DDR ram,
    GForce FX5700 LE {256mb vid}

    Now AA is a free game for dnld no game last's longer then 10 min's, you get 1 life per round 7 rounds to a match, after your death you may go into spectator mode until end of round. My feeling's about NL i think they deal Crack and smoke to much product and JOE was the result!, and if this new DF whatever they are calling it is pushed out to fast like the unwanted child JOE was and it's fubared then i'll know for sure they do lmao. JOE seen the death of the sniper unless your useing the tank,JOE has grass thats not rendered past certin distance leaving sniper's seen easily, sniper cant see because of grass {NP} but the buthead 100m away see sniper NP because grass dont hide him and he show's as gray dot. lay a claymore in a JOE building and watch it stand on it's side,but hey i can do a back flip off tall hills rideing the dirt bike go figure. i dont care what any1 says about NL i was a staunch defender since late 1997 early 1998 when i started DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD, DFBHD, DFBHDTS, JO, start of JOE, Comanche gold and 4 rocked, Armoured Fist2-3 rocked, F22 Lighting2-3 rocked. I defend NL no more
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  6. #6
    Admin Reaper's Avatar
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    Oct 2002

    Re: Jotr

    I really liked JOTR when I played the demo, I picked it up the day of release. This was after being exited for months waiting for it to be released. By the time the 3rd patch was released JOTR was a nerfed, cheat infested peice of crap. They took all the parts of the game I liked away. And gave me a game where a guy with a knife can beat an assault rifle. Took DM away And are to busy with reloaded and BHD on console to worry about JOTR and JOE.

    Delta force reloaded is the upmost in greed, Take an old fav add it to this old tired game engine so they don't have to design and code a new game and sell it to the drones. They will release it full of the same bugs JOTR and C4 have, give a few patches and that will be that.

    Not a chance I'm buying it. I am going to remember what they did to JOTR for a long time. Hell they wont even stream PB, I don't even care what they do with nile any longer. I see what the editor that is going to be released for BF2 looks like and it makes Nova look like the third rate bunch of fumble bums they are.

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