There is a issue,
I am not going to give specifics, no need it letting those that dont know, the knowledge as to how to do it, but it does exist, and the c4get was the package that enabled it. That is all i will say.
in the mean time, there is a easy fix for it. reference the LORDS forums for the details and comments
This is my thoughts on the problem and how the ~LRS~ intends to address it,
1) cant stop it, so why try
2) not going to go 8h , ever!!!!
3) reinstate handshake rule
4) problem solved for the ~LRS~ anyway
Its really a simple decision for me, after being a veteran of the game, since its inception, I have seen all that has attempted to soil the game, this problem isnt new, it is just reborn, so the quickest rememdy to it is to re-enact the "handshake" rule of play, outlined as follows,
There is a new vote on this subject, please all read and post your comments.
After several years of peace in the servers, the "cheaters" have once again found a way to violate a game cherished amoung a minority as a favorite. While to the newbies, this might seem like a devistating event, actually it is not, for the OLDIES in the game, this has been around awhile, just wearing a different cloak, so till there is a resolution to it, the easiest way to protect against it is to go back to the "HAND SHAKE" of the old days. The ~LRS~ has reenacted this policy in all future matchs. For reference, this is the way it works.
Both teams enter the server.
when all players are in, ALL players meet at WP!, NO SHOOTING!
the "officer on deck" for both squads will test, one by one, each member of the opposing team, verifying 3h .
after this is completed, both teams return to base and game is restarted.
If at any point during the game, a players drops connection, for any reason, they are NOT allowed to reenter the game!!!!!!!!
Once the game is finished , the dropped player can rejoin and be retested.
The only exception to this rule is if there are more than one player drop from the server due to sys dump, or internet connection issues, at which time a game restart can be called for and a restart done.
While this might seem time consuming, it actually can be done in only a few minutes with all players complying to the rule.
Exception notes: as a LORDS member squad, and in action to our code of conduct, it is expected for all squads to either restart a game, or drop a player, if the opponent should lose one during a game, this is a gentlemans rule. and the squad with the most players has the choice of dropping one player, or restarting the game.
Untill such time as a fix has been verified for this bug, this will be the policy of the ~LRS~ and any squad wishing to match will be expected to comply, or the results will be considered a forfiet on their part.
Thank you for your time in this matter
This is the official stance of the ~LRS~ from this day forth.
« Last Edit: Today at 1:46pm by Spikeman »
this is the current issue in the LORDS COUNCIL