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Thread: mappn tutorials

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    mappn tutorials

    the basic's for these tutorials will work for df2,lw,tfd,bhd,c4 and have been compiled from different df resource sits enjoy if i have missed a tutorial or you have 1 that should be included please add it here . please keep this thread only tutorials no question's in this thread . start a new post for any questions thx Ed

    Step #1
    editor is nowopen, but you see the black screen in the center, this is normal you have not picked a terrain yet. Goto the top left corner you seet his
    [ File Edit Page Info ] under this you see show : this is the stuff stuff that will be seen on your map.

    Step #2
    Ok Goto edit in the upper lefthand corner click it and now a window will drop down. goto general info window now you may begain your map. choose your mission name, maptype, your name as mission designer. now move your mouse to the mission terrain window, hit the arrow. choose a terrain in the drop down window, click ok on bottom of general info box. now you will see the terrain that you just picked. Ok After you placed what you want on your new map if youwish to see it LOL. You want to look at your map and you still have to save it, do this upper left corner hit file,click save in the drop down window. this opens another small window towards bottom you will see file name with a blank box put your mission or mapname here. then click save, you are not done yet still one thing to do. go back up to the left corner click file again now click export binary mission then the same window opens just place your map name again and then click save. Yea you just made a saved and exported your First map. you must save and export all maps even when you add somethings to a map you allready. Hint " Save mis + export to .bms often incase your computer crashes for any reason. then your hard work is saved LOL"

    [Edited on 11/7/02 by Edward]

    [Edited on 11/7/02 by Edward]

    [Edited on 11/7/02 by Edward]
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  2. #2
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    Aug 2002

    Tunnels and Fences/Walls on uneven ground:
    IF you're placing any objects on flat and uneven ground:
    First, place one object on the flat ground and keep it highlited. Go into the item attributes for it and click on ABSOLUTE HEIGHT. Take note of the number - Write it down!

    Now then, place your other objects as you wish and if they fall on higher ground, don't worry about it till you are done.

    Once you complete, highlite all of the objects you wish to adjust, and then in the item attributes box, click ABSOLUTE HEIGHT, then place that number you wrote down, then unselect all.

    What happened is that all of the pieces you had highlited are now set to the same level. When you enter the map, you will see that some of your objects have sunken into the raised areas and will be still even with the other items through out.

    This works for tunnel sections also, the only difference is that you have to subtract 5 or 8 from that number in order to equal your stairs or ramp doing down from the entrance. If you are unsure of the height of the stairs, there's 2 types: one with only 2 landings - this one goes down 5 meters, and one with 3 landings, this one goes down 8 meters. Also, the 2 landing stairs, when you get to the bottom, your direction will be 180 degrees from the direction you started with at the top, where as with the 3 landing stairs, you'll be going the same direction at the bottom as the top. Also, look closely as you place some tunnel parts in the map, they may have a - 8 right there in the piece, this tells you that this item must be placed at - 8 meters below the ground.
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  3. #3
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    Aug 2002
    Adding Custom Terrains:
    When you download custom terrains for DFLW, you do NOT need to pack them to your Terrains PFF file in order to make them work in the editor or the game.

    There's a simple command that you add to your DFLW and DFLW MED desktop shortcut's that will allow you to utilize them when they're not packed. This goes for any version of the DFLW Mission Editor too (note: I am unsure as to whether this will work for DF2 and definately don't know about DF1).

    First off, you need to have a shortcut on your desktop for each.

    Second, right click the shortcut - either one, in the popup window, click on properties.

    In the TARGET LINE after the last " place a space and then add /d and that's it. Do that to both the Game and MED shortcut's target lines and once that's done, you simply need to only copy all of the terrain files to your MAIN DFLW folder and you're set to go.

    Here's an example: "C:\Program Files\NovaLogic\Delta Force Land Warrior\Dflw.exe" /d

    If you add custom sound DBF, BIN and PWF files, the same goes for them, just place them in the main folder and that /d will make them work both in the editor and game.

    Copy and Paste Instructions

    You want a object provided from page 2 ontop page 1 new mappers pay close attention here. for the bldg's + tunnels choose aflat spot big enough to compleaty contain the object to find the flat pacts of terrain upper left corner of the editor your see a [c][h][d] C = Color H = hieght and D= Depth.
    Hit D now you see blk and brown. on the editor all the black is you flat spots. To highlite an object you must left mouse click and push shift on your keyboard now just drag mouse this makes a blue box drag mouse untill the wanted object is within the box now release the mouse button + shift, whala the item is now highlited. Now zoom in on the object with page up on your keyboard and page page down zooms out. Zoom in makes sure your object is highlited and all with in right click the mouse when the object is highlited and hit copy. now hit page 1 left click the mouse. here is your map you want tthe object on. now right click the mouse again and hit paste you just have transferred an object from page 2 to page 1 of your editor Yea!. plus i just told 1 good hint most map makers do [the copy and paste 1] Lol this Copy and Paste method works great for placeing more of the same objects in differnt spots of you map.
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  4. #4
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    Aug 2002
    "#3.How do i get the wave sounds to play. I want the wave to go off when 1 of the choppers gets blow up. I made a event for it. Said when grupe#6 is all dead.then play wave list #3. But nothing happend."

    Ok, in the game there are 5 lists of sound events - king 6 and all of them. The file names are DFDLGCS, DFDLGJA, DFDLGJB, DFDLGKW, DFGLGSM

    In the DFLW.PFF file they're named PDW files.

    These FIVE files contain the numbers and sound events for king6 giving directions, snakebite and those calling out things, ect.

    Othello has a program - DFLW dialog referance player, it allows you not only to read but also to hear the speech and see what item number it is.

    In the Genral Information window in the VER 1.92b Editor you will see a DIALOG box on the left side, you enter the catagory (DFDLGKW) and then in the events you'd add your PLAY WAVE FILE #109 or what ever. " IMPORTANT" dont mix the different dialog group's you canot have 1 wav from dfdlgcs and 1 from dfdlgja your wav will not play. you must stick to 1 file group and the wav's w/in it , to obtain othello's dialog referance program you may obtain it at my web pg or jackyl' or hope this is what ya wanted [ THIS IS ONLY FOR DFLW ]

    eiditor short cut

    - 1) Goto my computer on the Desktop
    - 2) goto the Drive you have installed Delta force landwarrior on (default is the C: drive)
    - 3) Next is Double Click on the "Program Files" folder or the folder you have installed DFLW
    - 4) Next is to go into the "NovaLogic" folder then into the DFLW folder
    - 5) Look for DFWMED.exe right click it and create shortcut
    - 6) Right click the shortcut then hit cut
    - 7) Now goto your desktop right click and hit paste

    Now all you can do is Double Click the shortcut on the desktop to open it up.
    Ok now your map editor is open.

    Possible causes for Lag (Frame Rate Loss) in an online map:
    (Note, the quoted lines are from Slasher - they were reposted to answer his questions)

    "#1.Will sounds,AI's and choppers lag the map up?"

    No, but they might cause Frame Rate loss...

    It depends on how much you have in the map as a total item count, how closely you have them packed together and how many large items (like the hanger or Castle parts).

    I was in a map on h2o's server that was foggy (maybe level 3?) and had quite a few city blocks, some trees and no sounds and parked vehicles. I had no frame rate loss what so ever - difficult map too LOL

    Basically, if you have more than say 2 choppers, and they're not very far apart
    and there's quite a few items total in the map, those on lessor machines/vid cards may experience some frame rate loss.

    "#2=What is a good frame rate to have when makeing a map.I have a 32 mb video card.So i take it thats the best frame rate i will get.But what is a ok level of frame rate,30,20...17?"

    The human eye can't distinguish anything over a frame rate of either 16 or 20, I can't remember exactly. Natually the higher the frame rate the better the video quality.. I would say that you should try to achieve the highest rate you can but on someone with a lower version Vid Card. If you have any old cards, you might switch to that one to make the map, get it so that it runs great on that card, then you know you'll have no problems on your newer card. Either this or take it online and test it for a few days, when people enter, ask them to tell you when they encounter problems, what type and where on the map - take notes, this way you can go back later and find and fix them.In generally answering your questions, too many things will cause frame rate loss, but you can have quite a few things as long as they are spread out over a large area.

    [Edited on 11/7/02 by Edward]
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  5. #5
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    Aug 2002
    ok i'll try to lay it out for peeps to understand lol.ok to make a vehicle move ya must follow a few easy step's.step 1 [choose the vechile ya want and place it,now let me open my editor an walk ya through this he he.upper lft corner ya see edit click it,move mouse to highlite group's ok .slot 1 n 2 are for blue and red team's use # 3 or below.type in the vechile name click for your a user way point,now the nxt step go bck to edit then waypoint's, click it a window will open type in the name of vechile in the # 1 slot for WPL #1 if ya want the vechile to not drive the WPL over n over just click does not loop, now go bck to the waypoint ya just layed highlite it u/will see it's info pop up lower lft screen click it, this is item's attribute's window. under ai varribel's ya see different slot's w/window's top is for group click it, scrool dwn find the group for your vechile click it,now that way point is assigned to your vechile.ok the fun just start's to place more waypoint's just highlite the waypoint rght click mouse hit copy go to where ya want another waypoint and rght click agian and hit paste now with this waypoint still highlited,click the items attribute's and in the wpl slot ya see # change it from 0 to 1.all WPL must start w/0 1-2-3-4 son on so forth continue to place waypoint's untill ya are done i belive only 32 waypoint's may be assigned to a for the events helo's wont do what i want them to but trucks and zodaic's will lol,now lets say ya want to ride in the pick up ok do this place 2 area triggers around the truck give them the same # ya will now see a box around the truck this is your trigger for the event to make it move go bck to edit upper lft scroll dwn to event's click it,a new window pop's up ok click 0 type in truck moves,now go to the right under the window if [triggers]click it now for this i have all start dm set to blue player's so i can trigger it but ,click new trigger, hit trigger type make it group,now trigger condition hit erea trigger now assigne it when blue plyer enters trigger erea for truck,it will now say when group 1 is with in erea go to below for then [action's],now click it new window ,click action type make it redirect group to then group truck the the WPL,now it will say redirect grp 3 to WPL 1 click then again,now ya need it to move click action type again and assigne it to group velocity action varrible's assigne it the truck,now velocity [kph]scroll dwn and say 10 kph click ok .will if i explained this right and yall can understand this then your truck will move when ya jump in bck. GL hope this help's
    btw this will work for truck's helo's zodiac n AI bad guys g/l
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  6. #6
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    Aug 2002

    Understanding X, Y and Z in the editor:
    X/Y/Z are the positions on the map.
    X and Y tell the computer to put it left, right, center, top, bottom, or variations there of. Z is the elevation.
    When placing items in/on buildings, you need to use the Z Value. Z values are the height of the object from the relative ground under the building. Absolute Height is the height of an object from sea level, so when using this option, it's best to place an object on the ground first, examine it's absolute height then make your adjustments to placing it at a higher level in the building.

    The first box in the Z value is in Meters, full meters. The second box is the meter broken down into smaller sections. A full meter in the second box would be 256, a half would be 128 and a quarter meter would be 64 and then smaller fractions continue on..

    Say your building is at an absolute height of 56.128 and you want to place a bunk on the second floor. You have to add 5 meters to the bunk to get it there so your absolute height would be 61.128...

    Some people will point you to a tutorial for absolute height made a while ago.. it's not right, it's more confusing than you can believe.

    I use absolute height all time when placing tunnels in maps, but only the regular z values for items in/on buildings.

    Where do you edit the Z values?
    In DF2 and DFLW stock editors as well as the modified editor foDF1-2- DFLW, once you place an object on the screen, keep it highlited and get out of INSERT mode.
    You'll notice on the lower left side of the screen, that some text and numbers appeared in the large window box. Click on that and it will bring up the ITEM ATTRIBUTES Window for that item. (note: make sure that you only have one item highlighted as any changes you make will affect all other items along with the one you are changing - UNLESS - they are the same type of item and you're going to place them in similar locations.

    In the item attributes window on the upper left side you'll see 3 sets of boxes, X, Y, and Z. The X and Y will already have numbers in them - these place the object on the map, the Z boxes are the elevation - on the ground, above or below ground .. depending on the numbers placed on them. For example, placing an explosive barrel at a z value of -2.32 will just place it underground, you'll hear it if you step on it.

    The 2 boxes, the one on the left is for FULL meters, the second box is for partial meters, like 1/2, 1/4, and so on.

    To break up 1 meter you have to remember that 1 meter = 256, so any fraction of this would have to be a smaller number. Example: 1/2 meter would be 128, 1/4 meter would be 64, 3/4 meter would be 196 and so on. This is more for fine tuning.

    Now if you're placing a fence on uneven ground, then you'll have to use the ABSOLUTE HEIGHT check box.

    ABSOLUTE HEIGHT is the height of an object from mean sea level. This means that your item, when this box is checked will have a number like 53.124 instead of the 0 that it would show with out the box checked. This means that the item is 53.124 meters above the water level of the map.
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  7. #7
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    A Captain
    Posts: 172
    Registered: Nov 1999
    posted 10 January 2000 05:42
    Yes you can, but that's a secret... (shhhh) j/k
    Some facts about the Z-value for an Area Field (I prefer it calling that name, it's less confusing than the name Area Trigger):

    you have to consider an Area Field as a 3d cube (important);

    setting Z=0 for the Area Field means a 3d box with the lowest elevation at 0 (from ground level) and an highest elevation with no limit;

    setting up an event for an Area Field with Z=0 (standard) will trigger the event wherever you are in the space of the Area trigger (low or high).

    To proof to you that the Z-value for an Area Field works, I have put up an example:

    Put up a new mission and create the items I did (start marker is group 1 and the bad guys are group 2). Also make group 2 blind and deaf (for testing purposes).
    Create an event that states:

    (0)Group 1 is whithin area 1
    (0)Eliminate group 2

    What will be the result?
    You may walk on the ground floor wherever you want, nothing will happen.
    Now go upstairs. Walk towards the bad guy that is on the 1st floor. When you are in the Area Field (at the door opening), the bad guys will die.

    Put up 2 different Z values for the Area Field.
    The lowest value is the bottom-height of the 3d cube and the highest value is the top-height of the 3d cube (both measured from ground level).
    Whatever (in the example: Group 1) causes that event to trigger MUST be in the 3d cube (partial is enough though).

    Tip: use only the left Z-Box (it's easier).

    Let the boobytrapping begin...

    wanna see inside of bldgs from outside

    If you are talking about the kbldga (trailer), assign it a Blink Group number and check Parent A. If you are talking about the des3 (comm center), just check both Parent A & Parent B. If you are talking about the kbarak & kbaraki (Barracks exterior & interior), assign both the same Blink Group number and check Parent A. If you are talking about Hq2 and Hq2i (HQ exterior & interrior), just check Parent A & Parent B. If you are takling about the Air Tower, just check Parent A & Parent B.

    This should allow players to see inside all of these buildings from a distance.
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  8. #8
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    Aug 2002
    End to the black hole syndrome

    The first thing to do is to make sure you have your tunnels all aligned pixel perfect(see answer 3, this is very important because you might get pop outs to the surface)
    Save the mission. dnld a unlocked editor here and you may assigne blink groups w/out haveing to open .mis in notepad to edit blinkgroups

    Now You have to tell the game which things need to be visible/invisible while on the surface. So open the .mis file with note pad. You'll see all kinds of stuff. The first part is the General information, groups, events, layers, ect. What your looking for is the items you put in. Should look something like this.

    Lets start with the tunnel entrance. This has to be seen both into from above ground and from within the tunnels. So to be seen above ground you have to set it as a Parent. The actual text goes "blink_parent_@ #" (@ being a {the primary visibility group} or b {the secondary visibility group} {a/b helps with frame rate and I'll explain this a little further down](correction, a/b alows one object to have two blink-groups) , # is a number 1 - possibly 127 (I know NL has used up to 63). For this, lets put it as blink_parent_a 1. You just type the listing right after "edistances 16 1024" and before "end item". Should look like this.

    Now, you have to tell the tunnel entrance to be part of the rest of the tunnels. You do this by assigning it a group. The text is "blink_group_@ #" (the @ and # can be different from the parent, but has to be the same as the adjoining piece of tunnel) You place this text before the parent listing. So now your item text should look like this.

    Now the entrance is set. Lets move on to the next piece of the tunnel. It has to be seen from the entrance and any other pieces that are connected to it. So you have to set it's "group" to the same number as the entrance. So locate this piece in your .mis file and add it the same way you did before with the entrance. Looking like this:

    edistances 16 1024
    blink_group_a 1
    end item

    Now if you have a small tunnel complex and your not worried about degrading frames rates, then all you have to do is set the rest of your tunnel pieces to "blink_group_a 1" and any other entrances to "blink_parent_a 1". Save the .mis. DO NOT "Save as" a text file. Just click "Save". Then go to your MED. Reopen the Mission. Export it and your done.

    But if you have a super large tunnel complex with multiple levels and people are always complaining about lag in your map when you know that there is none with your duel 1.5G P-IV, thats not hooked to the internet because your part of the back bone. Then what is happening is that you have so many pieces to the tunnel that the poor little 2 mg video card that everyone seems to play with is having a stroke because it can't draw all those triangles and polygons or what ever and keep track of your perspective to them. So read on!

    Lets first break down the actual command of blink.

    blink_group_ - This is just a command like "open" or "save" or if you know anything about HTML then it's like {img src=}

    a - this tells the computer to "draw all this first".
    b - this tells the computer to "draw all this second".

    # - the numbers designate all things alike. So if you set ten tunnel pieces to "1" then you have ten tunnel pieces that the computer will draw all at the same time.

    To cut down on the degradation of frames rates you need to have many "numbers" and where they over lap in fields of view. you assign them "blink_group_a" and "blink_group_b". This way you can look down a long tunnel and still see every thing, but the computer is not drawing the floor above you or below you or things around five corners that will take 30 seconds to get to.

    The pictures below are straight from one of the single player maps. It shows three blink groups.

    The light blue is "blink_group_a 1"
    The dark blue is "blink_group_a 2"
    The red is " blink_group_a 3"

    Now standing in the room of the light blue group, all you would need to have ready to see is the dark blue group. You wouldn't need to see what's going on in the red group. So what you have to do is set all the items in the light blue group to "blink_group_a 1" and "blink_group_b 2" looking like this

    While in the dark blue group it will be "blink_group_ a 2". As the dark blue nears the red, you have start getting ready for it. So in the areas nearest red group you put in the additional line of "blink_group_b 3". Here's how the picture above breaks down by room.

    1- group_a 3/ parent_a 1 13 - group_a 2/ group_b 3 25 - group_a 2
    2 - group_a 3 14 - group_a 2/ group_b 3 26 - group_a 2/ group_b 3
    3 - group_a 2/ group_b 3 15 - group_a 2/ group_b 3 27 - group_a 2
    4 - group_a 2/ group_b 3 16 - group_a 2/ group_b 3 28 - group_a 2
    5 - group_a 2/ group_b 3 17 - group_a 2/ group_b 3 29 - group_a 1/ group_b 2
    6 - group_a 2/ group_b 3 18 - group_a 2/ group_b 3 30 - group_a 1/ group_b 2
    7 - group_a 2/ group_b 3 19 - group_a 2/ group_b 3 31 - group_a 1/ group_b 2
    8 - group_a 2/ group_b 3 20 - group_a 2 32 - group_a 1/ group_b 2
    9 - group_a 2/ group_b 3 21 - group_a 2 33 - group_a 1/ group_b 2
    10 - group_ a 3 22 - group_a 2 34 - group_a 1/ group_b 2
    11 - group_ a 3 23 - group_a 2 35 - group_a 1
    12 - group_a 2 group_b 3 24 - group_a 2 36 - group_a 2 group_b 3 see note below

    I ran across Item 36 while making this page. It's very interesting because I don't think anyone has mentioned that objects could be set to blink groups too. Item 36 is an Armory Cabinet. I don't know if every Item can be set to a blink group, but still every little bit will help in cutting down frame rate degradation.

    Here's another break down:

    So in review:
    blink_group_ - is a command that allows you to see everything underground.
    blink_parent_ - is a command that allows you to see every thing above ground.
    a - tells the computer to draw this when I'm in this area because I need to see it
    b - tells the computer to draw this too, but with not as much emphasis, because I'm not exactly in the area but I'm coming up to it or it's so far away that it's to blurry to tell what it is anyway.
    #'s - this is what is actually a group reference. It is what tells the computer that all these apples are in this basket.

    Othello posted this in and I thought It would compliment this page nicely.
    Athough I have some observations about the blink group feature, I think you've done a nice job there.
    Using blink_group_a 1 or blink_group_b 1 means just the same.
    There is no difference (apart the character) between them. They are both contained in the same blink group # and therefore have the same transition.
    The transition directly depends on the blink group # and not on the "a" or "b" label.

    Ex: if you have a 10 element tunnel of the SAME blink group # with alternating "a" and "b" labels, the result will be just the same as if you were using 10 times label "a" OR 10 times label "b".

    Why label "a" and "b"?
    The only reason is, that it permits 1 item to have 2 different group numbers!
    An item having blink_group_a 1 AND blink_group_a 2 is INPOSSIBLE.
    An item having blink_group_a 1 AND blink_group_b 2 is POSSIBLE.

    I agree with you that it's less memory consuming to draw only the parts of the tunnel that are visible to the player than to draw parts that are visible AND hidden to the player (behind a corner).

    Examine the blink groups numbers and labels in this image:

    While the player is in the red zone, he will SEE the red AND yellow zone. The blue zone will not be drawn.
    If the player is in the yellow zone, he will see the yellow, red AND blue zone.
    If the player is in the blue zone, he will SEE the blue AND yellow zone. The red zone will not be drawn.
    Note about the yellow blink group:
    it could also be blink_group_a 1 + blink_group_b 2

    [Edited on 11/8/02 by Edward]
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    dftfd z values

    Delta Force Task Force Dagger- Z Value

    Delta Force Task Force Dagger Z Value By Linker <>

    This Document was made to be a quick guide to position items and objects inside and on top of buildings. They are not all correct down to the last pixel and they are likely to change depending on the terrain. This Document Does Not Include Tunnel Z Values, or the Oil Rig.
    If you have a document useful and you have a website, please make it available for download so others people can benefit as well. If you do put it on your site, some recognition would be greatly appreciated.
    This idea came form a forum StevieB made

    Buildings Z Values
    Amodump*Dagger* Roof 4,200
    Amodump2*Dagger* Roof 4,0
    Bayou 1 Floor 1,0
    Bayou 1 Roof 5,0
    Bayou 2 Floor 2,0
    Bayou 2 Roof 5,0
    Bayou 3 Floor 0,100
    Bayou 3 1st Story 4,200
    Bayou 3 Roof 9,0
    Bayou 4 Floor 0,100
    Bayou 4 Roof 4,0
    Bridge 1 (Big) 25,0
    Bridge 2 (Small) 8,0
    Bridge 3 (Small) 4,0
    Casbah Building 1*Dagger* 1st Floor 6,50
    Casbah Building 1*Dagger* Roof 10,0
    Casbah Building 10*Dagger* 5,0
    Casbah Building 11*Dagger* 4,0
    Casbah Building 12*Dagger* 10,0
    Casbah Building 13*Dagger* 4,100
    Casbah Building 14*Dagger* 10,0
    Casbah Building 2*Dagger* 5,0
    Casbah Building 3*Dagger* 1st Floor 3,100
    Casbah Building 3*Dagger* Roof 7,100
    Casbah Building 5*Dagger* 5,0
    Casbah Building 6*Dagger* (Height)
    Casbah Building 7*Dagger*
    Casbah Building 9*Dagger* 1st Floor 3,150
    Casbah Building 9*Dagger* Roof 7,150
    Cause A (Wall) 2,100
    Cause B (Wall) 2-3
    Chemical Bunker*Dagger* Roof 2,0
    Chemical Factory*Dagger* Roof 10,100
    City Embassy*Dagger* (Wall) 4,150
    City Embassy*Dagger* (Building) 15,0
    City Hotel*Dagger* 1st Floor 4,0
    City Hotel*Dagger* 2nd Floor 9,0
    City Hotel*Dagger* Roof 14,0
    City Low Building 1*Dagger* Roof 5,100
    City Low Building 2*Dagger* Roof 4,0
    City Low Building 3*Dagger* Roof 4,0
    City Low Building 4*Dagger* Roof 4,0
    City Low Building 5*Dagger* Roof 4,0
    City Low Building 6*Dagger* Roof 4,100
    City Low Building 7*Dagger* Roof 4,0
    City Low Building 8*Dagger* Roof 4,100
    City Low Building 9*Dagger* Roof 4,100
    City Market*Dagger* Roof 4,0
    City Planter*Dagger* Top 0,100
    City Block Roof With Sign 9,0
    City Block Medium Roof 20,0
    City Block Highest Roof 27,0
    City Building 2 *Dagger* Roof 4,0
    City Building 3 *Dagger* Roof 4,0
    City Building 4*Dagger* Roof 4,0
    Des 1*Dagger*1st Floor 5,0
    Des 1*Dagger* 2nd Floor 10,0
    Des 1*Dagger* 3rd Floor 14, 150
    Des 1*Dagger* 4th Floor 18,100
    Des 1*Dagger* (Very Top) 20,100
    Des 2*Dagger* 1st Floor 4,200
    Des 2*Dagger* 2nd Floor 9,100
    Des 2*Dagger*(Outside Ledge) 12,0
    Des 2*Dagger*(Top Level Near Windows) 14,0
    Des 2*Dagger* Roof 16,0
    Des 3*Dagger* Floor 0,150
    Des 3*Dagger* 1st Floor 5,100
    Des 3*Dagger* 2nd Floor 7,150
    Des 3*Dagger* 3rd Floor 12,0
    Des 4*Dagger* (Height) 28,0
    Des 6*Dagger* (Height) 4,200
    Eihead (Height) 6,0
    Farmhouse 1*Dagger* 3-5
    Gtown 1 Floor 1,0
    Gtown 1 1st Floor 4,100
    Gtown 1 Roof 7,150
    Gtown 2 Floor 1,0
    Gtown 2 Roof 4,100
    Gtown 3 Floor 1,0
    Gtown 3 1st Floor 4,100
    Gtown 3 Roof 7,150
    Gtown 4 Floor 0,150
    Gtown 4 1st Floor 5,0
    Gtown 4 Roof 6,0
    Gtown 5 (Tower) 9,0
    Guardshack*Dagger* (Height) 2,0
    Hanger*Dagger* Walk Way 8,100
    Hanger*Dagger* Roof 9-19
    Headquarters*Dagger* Roof 4,0
    Hhtwr (Bottom Window) 2,0
    Hhtwr 1st Floor 10,150
    Hhtwr 2nd Floor 26,100
    Hhtwr Roof 30,0
    Hhwall (Lowest Part) 11,0
    Hhwall (Middle Part) 12,100
    Hhwall (Highest Part) 19,0
    Hq2 3-7
    Hq2 (Small Window On Side) 6,200
    Hq2i (1st Floor) 4,0
    Ifbunker (Window) 1,100
    Ifbunker (Roof) 3,0
    Iftower 7,100
    Indo 1 Floor 1,200
    Indo 1 Roof 8,0
    Indo 3 Floor 1,200
    Indo 3 Roof 8,0
    Indo 4 10,100
    Jarmory Floor 1,0
    Jarmory Roof 8,0
    Jbridge (Walk Way) 8,0
    Jbunk 1 (Window) 1,0
    Jbunk 1 (Roof) 3,200
    Jhut Floor 1,200
    Jpan 1 Floor 1,0
    Jpan 1 Roof 8,0
    Jpan 2 Floor 0,100
    Jpan 2 1st Floor 4,0
    Jpan 2 2nd Floor 9,0
    Jpan 2 Roof 12,0
    Jpan 3 (Height) 4,0
    Jpan 5 (Gate Height) 3,0
    Jpan 5 (Wall Height) 6,0
    Jpan 6 Floor 0,150
    Jpan 6 1st Floor 4,0
    Jpan 6 (Height) 10,150
    Jpan 7(Height) 4,0
    Jpan 9 (Height) 4,0
    N_baraka*Dagger* 8,0
    Kbarakm*Dagger* 4,0
    Kbuilda*Dagger* Floor 0,150
    Kbuilda*Dagger* Roof 4,150
    Kcomm*Dagger* Roof 5,150
    Lanrn (Height) 2,100
    Mine Shaft 25,0
    N City1 (3Story New)*Dagger* 13,100
    N City10 (3Story New)*Dagger* 13,100
    N City11 (3Story New)*Dagger* 13,100
    N City 2 (3Story New)*Dagger* 13,100
    N City3 (3Story New)*Dagger* 13,100
    N City4 (3Story New)*Dagger* 13,100
    N City5 (3Story New)*Dagger* 13,100
    N City8 (3Story New)*Dagger* 13,100
    N City9 (3Story New)*Dagger* 13,100
    N_baraka*Dagger* 8,100
    N_barakb*Dagger* 8,100
    N_barakc*Dagger* 8,100
    N_barakl*Dagger* 4,100
    N_barakOb*Dagger* 4,100
    N_barakOc*Dagger* 4,100
    Obunk (Entrance Wall Heights) 2,0
    Obunk Floor 2,0
    Obunk (Top Level) 3,200
    Obunk Roof 6,0
    Outpost*Dagger* (Height) 3,150
    Pqarch (Height) 2,200
    Pqbld 1 Floor 2,150
    Pqbld 1 Roof 8,0
    Pqbld 3 Floor 0,100
    Pqbld 3 Roof 7,0
    Pqbld 4 Floor 2,200
    Pqbld 4 Roof 8,0
    Pqblok (Height) 1,0
    Pqrock (Height) 1,0
    Pqtmpl (Room At Top) 27,150
    Pqtmpl Roof 35,0
    Pqtwr Floor 1,0
    Pqtwr 1st Floor 6,100
    Pqtwr 2nd Floor 10,150
    Pqtwr 3rd Floor 15,150
    Pqtwr Roof 21,0
    Pqwl01 (Height) 5,100
    Pqwl02 (Height) 5,100
    Pqwl03 (Height) 3,100
    Pqwl04 (Height) 3,0
    Qopen 1*Dagger* (Height) 5,0
    Qopen 2 (Height) 4,100
    Scud Warehouse*Dagger* Roof 12,0
    Sphinx (Legs) 2,0
    Sphinx (Back) 11,0)
    Sphinx (Head) 21,0
    Superbnk (Window) 1,0
    Superbnk Roof 4,0
    Supertwr Walk Way 17,0
    Tbunk Floor 2,0
    Tbunk Roof 5,0
    Torii (Height) 9,100
    Vehicle Mateniance*Dagger* (Height) 12-18
    Wac130*Dagger* (Wings) 5-6
    Wbridge (All Types 1,200
    Wrktwn 1*Dagger* 1st Floor 4,100
    Wrktwn 1 *Dagger* Roof 8,0
    Wrktwn 3*Dagger* 1st Floor 4,0
    Wrktwn 3*Dagger* Roof 7,150
    Wrktwn 4*Dagger* 1st Floor 4,100
    Wrktwn 4*Dagger* Roof 8,0
    Wrktwn 5*Dagger* 1st Floor 3,0
    Wrktwn 5*Dagger* 2nd Floor 6,0
    Wrktwn 5*Dagger* Roof 8,150
    Wrktwn 6*Dagger* 1st Floor 4,0
    Wrktwn 6*Dagger* Roof 7,100

    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    fog color code's


    Source: =BSS=Assmunch

    I played around with the fog colors for awhile and came up with these. I used these in DF2 and they work for DF:LW as well. They can add some interesting aspects to your map. For instance, I used the olive green color in a swamp map, and the tan color in a desert map to give it a sand storm effect. Worked really well.

    Ocean Blue= 120-25-255

    Orange = 255-120-25 or 210-105-21

    Teal = 25-100-100 or 8-211-96

    Pink = 255-100-100

    Olive Green = 25-100-25

    Deep Blue = 0-25-120

    Pale Green = 100-255-120

    Bright Green = 100-255-0 or 0-255-25

    Deep or Dark Red = 105-0-0

    Bright Yellow = 255-255-25

    Military Brown = 105-96-31 or 105-84-47

    Purple = 106-19-114

    Deep or Dark Purple = 59-21-112

    Clay Brown = 115-63-52

    Deep or Dark Olive = 90-84-47

    Dark Grey = 105-105-105

    Pale Yellow = 255-255-110

    Dark Blue = 0-0-105

    Tan or Sand = 255-200-130 or 255-192-160 or 255-210-160

    Bright Red = 255-0-0 (standard in editor manual)

    Medium Green = 0-120-0 (standard in editor manual)

    Dark Blue = 0-0-25 (standard in editor manual)

    Yellow = 0-100-100 (standard in editor manual)

    Black= 0-0-0 (standard in editor manual)

    White = 255-255-255 (standard in editor manual)
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    the mission editor tool requires a min screen res of 800x600.for best results set res to 1024x768. it is also recomended that ya have at least 160 meg free ram when useing the editor.
    total # of decorations and bldg's = 1024
    total # of vechiles and objects = 1024
    total # of marker's [ snds wp and triggers] = 512
    total # of ppl AI or player = 256
    if you exceeded the #'s then a error will appear when you try to export it sometimes it will allow ya to export anyways and game will only render the max amount for the item. if you place stuff outside the big green square you may experince problems also.

    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Exp sound insertion tutorial by Edward/MajorPotHead

    1st- you will need this list of exp sounds there are 29 new sounds from the terranova crew

    Here are the available sounds:

    Wav.file # 1 : Thunder 1
    Wav.file # 2 : Thunder 2
    Wav.file # 3 : Thunder 3
    Wav.file # 4 : Thunder 4
    Wav.file # 5 : Thunder 5
    Wav.file # 6 : Thunder 6
    Wav.file # 7 : Thunder 7
    Wav.file # 8 : Thunder 8
    Wav.file # 9 : Crow
    Wav.file # 10 : Gull 1
    Wav.file # 11 : Gull 2
    Wav.file # 12 : Dino
    Wav.file # 13 : Dino 2
    Wav.file # 14 : Owl 1
    Wav.file # 15 : Owl 2
    Wav.file # 16 : Dog Bark
    Wav.file # 17 : Large Dog
    Wav.file # 18 : Bird 1
    Wav.file # 19 : Bird 2
    Wav.file # 20 : Airplane pass over
    Wav.file # 21 : Jet Flyby
    Wav.file # 22 : Harbor ronk 1
    Wav.file # 23 : Harbor ronk 2
    Wav.file # 24 : Smoke Det
    Wav.file # 25 : Small Explosion 1
    Wav.file # 26 : Explosion 1
    Wav.file # 27 : Large Explosion 1
    Wav.file # 28 : Large Explosion 4
    Wav.file # 29 : Siren

    2nd-you will need 1 of the unlocked dflw map editor's here

    ok after the proper installation of 1 of the unlocked map editor's this is how i get the exp sound's in my map's. open the unlocked map editor go to { edit } upper left hand corner. click it and scroll to general information this window is where ya select gm type trn for map and other stuff includeing for and dialog wav's default or new exp. look for this box
    Dialog file (*.dbf ) enter this in that box { expxtraw.dbf } . ok you want jet fly by or for any other 1 exp sound do this . place 1 erea trigger now highlite it and hit item attribute's . ok under sub type upper right corner is waypoint list box only the number may be changed. make the trigger #1 if it's the 1st trigger in map. ok now with tirgger still highlited right click and hit copy and paste place the new trigger any where on map now you will see a blue box this is your trigger erea. for a jet fly by i would place erea trigger caddy corner from each other in map to make trigger erea to cover whole battel erea.

    3rd- go back to upper left corner and hit edit and scroll down to { Wav file name's } a new window opens when you click it enter this in the new window on right hand side enter this in the description box top 1 { Wav.file # 21 : Jet Flyby } or any other file name make sure you copy it excactally like it read's or sound wont work. under discription box is
    { file name } enter this {expxtraw.dbf } now hit ok. almost ready to hear the new sound .

    4th- event set up [ if ] trigger type use group, trigger conditation use any alive,trigger variables i use blue player's [ i make mainly dm maps and have all start dm set to blue team blue players ] now for [ then ] action type use play wav list, action varriables hit wav list number and scroll down to #29 click ok. well if i didnt confuse ya lmao you will have the exp sound in your new map if ya wish for the event to replay then check the reset after (second's) and add the time in second's ya wish. i have made a map useing 5 exp thunder sound's with only { 1 } trigger erea each thunder has the same reset but the delay took some time to set up lol all 5 thunder sounds roll almost like 1 he he. G/L to whom ever need's it lol and have fun with the new exp sound's

    [Edited on 11/8/02 by Edward]
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    It can be perplexing 1st time around...

    To get your Aircraft flying happily in DF2/DFLW/ tfd only certin aircraft follow wpl (same-same) - you need to do the following.

    1) Create Group for the individual aircraft [which will give the Group both a Name and a #].

    2) Create its "Waypoint List;" and set out it's "flight-path" with the waypoints.
    Be SURE they are numbered correctly - [0, 1, 2, etc].

    3) Create the "Event" to make it fly - which has two parts.
    a) Set the Trigger Condition (Area Trigger/Reached Waypoint, etc).
    b) Set up TWO "ACTIONS" for That "Event."
    b1]* "Redirect Group" (Air-mobile) to waypoint list "X".
    b2]* "Group Velocity."
    You MUST tell it what speed you want it to move. This can be anywhere from 1-100 kilometers per hour.

    That's all you need.

    In DF2 - only the C-130 and Helo's will fly.
    For some Comic relief - try to make the MIG fly!

    what prots to open to play df through a fire wall

    It can be perplexing 1st time around...

    To get your Aircraft flying happily in DF2/DFLW (same-same) - you need to do the following.

    1) Create Group for the individual aircraft [which will give the Group both a Name and a #].

    2) Create its "Waypoint List;" and set out it's "flight-path" with the waypoints.
    Be SURE they are numbered correctly - [0, 1, 2, etc].

    3) Create the "Event" to make it fly - which has two parts.
    a) Set the Trigger Condition (Area Trigger/Reached Waypoint, etc).
    b) Set up TWO "ACTIONS" for That "Event."
    b1]* "Redirect Group" (Air-mobile) to waypoint list "X".
    b2]* "Group Velocity."
    You MUST tell it what speed you want it to move. This can be anywhere from 1-100 kilometers per hour.

    That's all you need.

    In DF2 - only the C-130 and Helo's will fly.
    For some Comic relief - try to make the MIG fly!

    what prots to open for df on line play through a fire wall

    DF1 and DF2- 3568 UDP
    LW and TFD- 17478 UDP
    BHD beta demo was 17478 UDP

    [Edited on 11/8/02 by Edward]
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    this is for dflw

    or the height of the clouds

    set parachutes under these values
    and over 100

    day 1 - 300
    day2 - 200
    day3 - 250
    day4 - 250
    day5 - 250
    NIGHT1 - 200
    NIGHT2 - 200
    NIGHT3 - 200
    NIGHT4 - 200
    OVERCST1 - 200
    OVERCST2 - 100 - No para here
    OVERCST3 - 150
    OVERCST4 - 150
    OVERCST5 - 150
    SUNRISE1 - 300
    SUNRISE2 - 200
    SUNRISE3 - 150
    SUNRISE4 - 200
    SUNRISE5 - 200
    SUNRISE6 - 200
    SUNSET1 - 200
    SUNSET2 - 200
    SUNSET3 - 250
    SUNSET4 - 300
    SUNSET5 - 200

    by smoken@4:20bud
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Creating a Teleportation Event is Not as difficult as many of the so-called “tutorials” on this subject would have one believe.
    I’m not knocking them, since without them I’d still have no idea how to Teleport. – but it’s still worth the while making an attempt to explain this simple event a little more clearly for the novice Mapper.

    To Teleport, you really don’t need anything more than is required for any other type of “Event:” with the exception of a “Teleport Target.”
    The “Teleport Target” is just another “Marker” in the now familiar list of Map “markers.” Or is it?

    It is, and it’s not. This sucker let’s you do some pretty cool stuff.

    Go to your Map (your *.mis file) in the Editor, get in Insert Mode and go to the “Markers” list.
    Down towards the bottom you’ll see one named: “Teleport Target.”
    Select that and place it on your Map in the usual way with markers.
    This guy though, you want to place where you intend the Teleport Materialization to occur. Not the location from which he will Teleport …

    Place this Marker in the desired location and determine “whom” it is you’ll be teleporting. It’s a good idea to get that established now.

    You can Teleport either yourself (or Any “Player”) or an AI.
    For the present, let’s deal with AI Teleportation.

    Select the AI you’ll be teleporting. Create a “Group” designation for him and assign him to that Group in his “item attributes.”

    Just after doing this is a really good time to go and set the Same “Group” designation to the “Group” ID in the “Item Attributes” of the Teleport Marker, too.
    Remember that these must Always, always be the same; identical.
    AI Group must be the same as that assigned to the TT Group. (TT / Teleport Target).

    You’ll notice that in the “Waypoints” segment of the TT “Item Attributes” – Waypoint “Name” is grayed out. Makes sense, since you can’t name this marker.
    Above it, however, in the TT’s Waypoint List Number – you MUST put the number – “1”

    Just – 1.

    From here forward for “this” Map – each new TT you place must be numbered sequentially from this basis.
    i.e. The next will be numbered, “2,” after that, “3,” etc …

    After you’ve done this, go to “Events” to establish the “Teleportation” Event.
    Here you’ll notice there’s no “Teleport” option in the Events list of possibilities. That’s Ok – don’t worry about it now.
    Just Name the Event whatever you like and then, to the right, determine and select which “Event Condition” you’ll use to trigger the Teleportation.
    Below that, for the Event Action – select “null.”
    You can’t leave this literally “blank,” and you can’t establish it as anything else: it Must be “null.” unless you are useing a unlocked editor then the event action would read group teleport group X to TT X thus no need to open .mis in note pad obtain a unlocked editor here

    Ok … Done with those steps?
    Now Save your *mis file in the Editor.
    Open the *.mis file in a Text Editor – such as Notepad or WordPad.

    Scroll down through all the coding looking at the “Event” Codes, until you come to That Event #.
    All these Code segments begin in the same manner: “begin event #.”
    Once you locate the one you’re looking for, you’ll see the attributes at the bottom of that Event code-block..
    It should look something like this: *

    begin event 37
    name "teleport example - a"
    begin triggers 1
    0 1 10 1 9 -1 -1 0
    end triggers
    begin actions 1
    0 18 10 1 -1 -1 -1 0
    end actions
    end event

    See the line that says – “begin actions 1” - and the string of numbers just below it?
    There’s your “null” action.
    To transform that “null” into the “Teleport” Action for this Event – all you need to do is modify a few of the numbers in that string.

    The Teleport “begin action 1” string Must be written in a precise way in order to work.
    The line of code needed for this string is easy to remember: it’s simply *

    0 18 X X –1 –1 –1 0

    (Zero eighteen ex ex negative-one negative-one negative-one zero).

    Here, the two “X’s” always represent the same values.
    The first “X” is your “Group” number; the second “X” is the “Teleport Target” number.
    Remember you numbered this TT - “1” – since it’s your first one on this Map.

    In the Above example, the “Group” number is “10” and the TT# is “1.”

    Change all the relevant values to match your Event string to this code and you’re all set.

    If your desire is to Teleport yourself – or any “Blue Player” who triggers the Event in Game-Play, just remember that since “Blue Team” is always Group 1 by default, your code will always be written the same way: *

    0 18 1 1 –1 –1 –1 0

    ..Supposing, of course, that this is your first Teleport Target and Teleport Event for the Map in question. If it’s not, just modify the 4th number in the string to correspond to the TT# as it is assigned in your *.mis file viewed from the MED.

    With this code string all modified accordingly – just save this “page” now as a *.mis and then re-open the file in your MED again.
    If you return to the “Events” window and look at this one, for “Action” it will now say something like:

    “Teleport Group 10 to teleport target 1.”

    Save this *.mis file again from the MED – just to lock that code; then export the binary and go give it a look in Game Play mode …
    You’ll be Teleporting – I guarantee it…

    Don’t forget, too – that Telporting is the way to set up “Paratroops” for your SP/Co-Op Mission/Maps.
    Just set the Z value of the Teleport Target marker to a number higher than “99” – and watch those tall hills and mountains!

    Good luck and happy mapping…

    - Bad Company -

    [Edited on 11/8/02 by Edward]
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

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