When I was 5 years old people have said we were in the end of times. In fact they were saying that many years prior to my birth. But current events kinda make you wonder...
It doesn't matter what faith you belong. You can call it the second coming of Christ, the days of rapture, The Day of Judgment, The return of Allah, or even the more logical fact that the Earth (Mother Nature) has always had the ability to correct imbalances.
The imbalance is that this planet is over populated with humans. A tough concept to accept, but it is true. We have consumed more of the planets resources than any other animal in history (except maybe the Dino's). Without doubt, the imbalance will be corrected.
Current events like the religious wars, al-Qa'ida (Al-Qaeda), with the recent great loss of lives in India make me wonder. I know the religious wars have been going on for centuries, but with technology and ability for humans to destroy masses with ease with nuclear & biological weapons. They are even predicting that a small nuke will likely enter San Pedro (our largest pier) and could easily be loaded onto a truck for Los Angeles 15 miles away. Or worse (for me) head south 40 miles and take out San Onofre nuclear generating station.
I have Potassium Iodide tablets on hand in the event of such a disaster. Most likely not useful, but who knows.
I'm curious; what are your thoughts?