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Thread: Novalogic, please update F-22 Lighting 3

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Sep 2004

    Novalogic, please update F-22 Lightning 3

    To Novalogic,

    I was really disappointed that you could not process my order for your Air Attack Pack (it's physically unavailable, although still listed on your website). Fortunately, I found a copy of F-22 Lightning III at EB Games which was the game I was looking for, since most of the other titles in your Air Attack Pack don't support modern video cards (Voodoo / Glide only).

    I consider myself a mid-level flight simmer (i.e. Jane's USAF, SFP1, occasionally struggle with Falcon 4.0 + BMS / FF), and even though I find F-22 L3 to be unrealistically simple at times, I'm really having a lot of fun with this game. The weather and nuke effects are addicting, and the ease of play is welcomed after struggling with other flight sims.

    I previously passed on this title due to negative comments from the flight sim community, but now I realize that this was my loss. Funny thing is that after trying the demo, I figured the avionics were some arcade nonsense thought up by Novalogic developers, until I purchased a book on modern military aircraft. Well what do you know, pics of a real F-22 simulator very closely resemble the Novalogic game (i.e. HUD, MFDs, other displays, etc.)! That's when I decided to purchase the full game to see for myself if this game was worth playing, and I'm so very glad that I did!

    F-22 L3 is missing some important features IMO (i.e. mission recorder / playback system), but it also adds features not found in other lite flight sims (i.e. weather effects, nukes). For a 1999 title, this game still looks very good to me, although a better rendered (or maybe photo-realistic) cockpit and other graphical improvements would make it even that much better. And of course, a little flight model tweaking would be nice.

    I don't play games online, and I understand that this is where F-22 L3 REALLY shines!

    I wish you would consider updating all of your flight sims to support today's hardware, but at least F-22 L3 does. Even as-is, I truly believe that F-22 Lightning III would make a MUCH better first impression to a newbie flight simmer vs. the only lite sim currently available on store shelves, JetFighter V. This is your only competition in this area and yet your game from 1999 absolutely blows it away, IMHO! It's a real shame that it's not YOUR game on the store shelf instead (i.e. CompUSA / Best Buy, etc.), even the current 1999 version!

    So please reconsider updating this excellent game and getting it back into stores. I can't imagine you not making money from it (heck, I'll be the first person to pre-order). The F-22 will be entering service soon, and should be back in the spotlight. That, and lack of any real competition in the lite flight sim genre, might make it a good time for a new F-22 release, yes? Here's hoping that you reconsider.

    Thank you for your time,

    P.S. If anyone else would like to see a new F-22 release, please speak up now and let Novalogic know it! Also, when NovaWorld is back online, I'm going to post this same plea there.
    Last edited by MGonzales; 09-29-2004 at 04:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    The weather and nuke effects are addicting, and the ease of play is welcomed after struggling with other flight sims.

    boy they sure are hopefully NL will consider this after the JO excalation ? pk due to be in beta soon . also other thing's for nova to consider also F22L3 come's with a mission editor which is very hard to use not user friendly hopefully they could give a new easier editor to use .
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  3. #3
    Good post MGonzales

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Thanks Chad,

    Just note that Lighting should be Lightning...oops.

    I have a few more comments on a similar thread in Novaworld as I wasn't sure where I should post it. I just hope that at least a few people respond on either board, at least enough to get Novalogic's attention. Probably not, but no harm in trying, right?


  5. #5
    All looks good to me.

    I have the game as well as armoured fist all good fun m8

    And there's no harm at all to give these classics a mention

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Sep 2004
    I have another idea I thought of after reading an older post on NovaWorld regarding NovaLogic's F-16 Multirole Fighter...

    "This gives me an idea...

    NovaLogic should produce a new survey sim. Base it on the F-22 L3 engine to cut down development time. In addition to the F-22, also include the F-16 as a flyable. This shouldn't be too difficult, as the code is already written in F-16 Multirole Fighter, right? It's obvious that much of the same code was used for both games.

    Also, add the JSF (Joint Strike Fighter) if possible. Didn't NovaLogic do a JSF sim?

    These are the same three jets modeled in JetFighter V. This would solve the F-16 MRF 3dfx problem and should be a MUCH better game than JetFighter V! Me thinks this game would be fantastic!"


  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Oct 2003

    Thumbs up

    Mr MGONZALES do I (and we) in the C4 community feel you frustration.Exact same situation for Commanche 4.Now there are
    some decaited people who play C4 that have enhanced the game
    for the enjoyment of all.But no support from novalogic lately.
    Guess it's a money issue with them but BUT if they did come out
    with a new version of C4 with a different engine that attempted
    to resolve past difficienies( like EA ). But it would have to have
    the same flying characteristics at present.

    IT WOULD FLY OFF THE SHELVES and make MONEY for them
    For now anyway there is decaited Nova server for C4,that's not
    the situation for your game as I understand it??But you still play
    the game tho in single player mode,cool bro

    I have tried Desert Combat and flown their arsenal, nice but not
    the same as the C4 chopper.Guess I'm slow to accept change

    Alot of us in the C4 community feel we shouldn't let C4 DIE,well
    there gonna have to DRAG me KICKING and SCREAMING
    Last edited by JJG43; 10-10-2004 at 05:33 PM.

  8. #8
    Registered User
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    Oct 2004

    F-22 Lightning 111

    I have the game and have been playing it for 3 years, I find it great , but as you said, the real thing will be out flying in Sqn's soon, HOW ABOUT AN UPDATE guys at Novalogic, I am out gamed almost
    You Never Know if You Don't Have a Go
    WHo Dares WIns

  9. #9
    CPD Member Phaser's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Wales, UK.
    Hey Guys I live in the UK, for my sins! and would like to know where I can get a copy of the PC CD-ROM in 'not so great Britain'?
    I have followed the progress of the F-22 'Raptor' since it design and in particular the Vertical Take Off (VTO) version & now that its in production I would just love to (virtualy) fly it!
    Also any additional info on this amazing aircraft would be greatfully recieved.
    Its UK equivilant is the 'Eurofighter Typhoon' And I know that this airplane is so unstable and manouverable that it cannot be flown whithout several onboard computers to make sense of the pilots stick & pedal inputs.

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