After reading the many posts on the subject of the NILE Editor in the Nova forums I walked away with the sad feeling that to many people want to complain more then understand that this editor isn't fully functional and was released as a BETA version. Even NovaLogic has the attitude that they might have released it sooner then they wanted for the fact that so many people were impatient and complaining, so it's likely the updates will be slow in coming.
I just hope that any discussion on the subject here are kept to a realistic point of view, focus on the useable aspects of the editor and post useful and helpful hints for everyone to share and understand that there are problems with the editor and NovaLogic is working on them as fast as they can. Please, no complaints, we're not NovaLogic and can't do anything about the problems involved with this editor. You should post any and all problems with the editor on the Nova forums so they will be able to read and take note of them.
I personally love to make maps and look forward to using the NILE Editor with the same enthusiasm as I did with the editor making C4 maps. The editor is a step up from the BHD editor and hopefully Nova will address the issues and give us a workable editor in a fair amount of time. Until then…happy posting!