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Thread: confused

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    May 2004

    Thumbs down confused

    ok but how do u get it higher what does the 3d got anything to do with it????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    3D = 3D wireframe mode in the C4 map editor try this open your C4 map editor next open your C4 map your building . now highlite 1 object and look along the top of map editor for the 3D wire frame button click it . now you'll see your object highlited in yellow and the terrain under it is green . in this mode for map editing you can move thing's all over the map please refer to my next 2 replay's even though they are for df bhd they work for Comanche4 also
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  3. #3
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    Aug 2002
    Delta Force – Black Hawk Down Mission Editor Manual – Copyright Novalogic 2003
    25 of 40
    Section 9: 3D Wireframe View
    This mode will render the selected items in a 3D view so designers can accurately line-up objects
    in 3D space (fences, train-tracks, etc.). It is actually very difficult to precisely line up various
    objects without it. If you are placing objects inside tunnels, or on the upper levels of buildings,
    the wireframe will be indispensable for accurate placement.
    The 3D mode has it’s own set of key commands to accommodate the wireframe process. Since
    the wireframe view is slightly complicated, we will walk through the process of lining up two
    pieces. The key commands to alter your view and the placement of objects is confusing at first
    because they move in relation to the X, Y, Z axis, not your current view.
    Here’s a quick walkthrough:
    1. First, place two cargo
    containers, a player start and a
    barrel near, but not touching,
    each other on a map. Use
    Cargo04, Cargo06 and Barl01
    found in the decorations section
    of the Insert Item window.
    Highlight all four items and press
    the 3D Wireframe button. The
    map section will turn black and
    you should see wireframes of
    your selected items (only
    selected items will appear)
    The grids represent the terrain
    directly under the selected pieces.
    The grid will normally render in
    brown unless the view is from
    the underside, in which case the
    map will render in Green. An
    object will turn RED if it collides
    with the surface and turn CYAN if it is entirely underground
    You’ll notice that when you move a piece that the contour of the grid changes to reflect the new
    terrain underneath. Remember that the wireframe will only show the pieces that you selected in
    2d mode.
    You can shift your view of the wire frame by pressing Control - Right Mouse to rotate
    the view or Control - Left Mouse to move straight forwards and back as well as sideways.
    Remember, this shifts your view of the pieces; it doesn’t actually move them (though it may look
    as though it does).
    2. Press [ or ] until one of the cargo containers turns yellow. Press the T button to go to a top
    down view. You may already be in this view, but press it anyway. Now zoom out (SHIFT +
    RIGHT MOUSE or use the keypad MINUS key) until you can see both cargo containers. If the
    screen is too messy, press the G key to turn the grid off.
    3. The next step is to bring the two pieces on top of each other. Zoom in or out (keypad – or +
    key) until both pieces are clearly visible. Use the four arrow keys to bring the selected piece over

    Delta Force – Black Hawk Down Mission Editor Manual – Copyright Novalogic 2003
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    the other. You should get them to line up fairly close. Zoom in on one edge and use CTRL + the
    Arrow Keys to move the pieces in small increments until the pieces are squared up.
    4. If you need to re-center the spot you are trying to line up, press Control-Shift-Left Mouse and
    then re-zoom.
    5. Now that the pieces are lined up, you will need to adjust their height so one is on top of the
    other. Each piece has a Z and an AZ number in the Info window. These are vertical coordinates.
    AZ is absolute height over the map’s 0 point. Z is the height over that spot of terrain. Use the [ or
    ] keys to switch selections and check their Z number. Press Shift and the Up and Down arrows to
    change the altitude in meter increments. Once the two numbers are close, press Shift – Control
    and the arrow keys to move the piece in smaller increments. Zoom in on a small section where
    the top and bottom of the two containers are to merge and adjust the height until they are
    perfectly lined up. The end result should be about 3 meters difference.
    6. Since the cargo container ladders aren’t meant to be stacked, you should rotate the top piece a
    few degrees to create a small
    ledge. Do this by pressing the T
    key to get a top-down view and
    then pressing SHIFT + RIGHT
    or LEFT MOUSE until it rotates
    about fifteen degrees.
    7. Now move the barrel on top of
    the stacked containers. Press [ or ]
    until it’s highlighted and use all the
    previous functions to place it on
    top of the both containers.
    Once everything is in place, save
    and export your mission. Load the
    mission and see how you did.
    See Appendix C for a complete
    list of key commands.

    please refer to the next replay for more info on 3d wire frame mode
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  4. #4
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    Aug 2002
    Delta Force – Black Hawk Down Mission Editor Manual – Copyright Novalogic 2003
    36 of 40
    Appendix C: Additional Key Commands
    These keys are in addition to the commands listed in Section 1.
    MED Key
    Mode Keyboard Mouse Effect
    TILER SHFT+LEFT Rotate selected tiles 90deg Counter-clockwise
    Rotate selected tiles 90deg Clockwise
    SHFT+CTRL+LEFT Flip selected tiles Vertically
    SHFT+CTRL+RIGHT Flip selected tiles Horizontally
    CTRL+X Cut
    CTRL+C Copy
    CTRL+V Paste
    CTRL+Z Undo (move, rotate, delete)
    CTRL+Y Redo (move, rotate, delete)
    D 3D Mode Toggle
    M Move
    U Unselect
    R Reset View/Camera
    CTRL+R Reset View/Camera (no scale)
    Z Reset Zoom
    ENTER Edit Item Attributes
    L-click "info"
    Edit Item Attributes
    LEFT Move Items Left 1 meter
    RIGHT Move Items Right 1 meter
    UP Move Items Forward 1 meter
    DOWN Move Items Backward 1 meter
    SHFT+UP Move Items Up 1 meter
    Move Items Down 1 meter
    CTRL+LEFT Move Items Left 1/256 meter
    Move Items Right 1/256 meter
    CTRL+UP Move Items Forward 1/256 meter
    Move Items Backwards 1/256 meter

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    SHFT+CTRL+UP Move Items Up 1/256 meter
    SHFT+CTRL+DOWN Move Items Down 1/256 meter
    SHFT+CTRL+LEFT Rotate Items Left 90deg
    SHFT+CTRL+RIGHT Rotate Items Right 90deg
    SHFT+LEFT Rotate Items Left 1deg
    Rotate Items Right 1deg
    3D only ESC Back to 2D Mode
    G Ground View Toggle
    C Ground Collision Toggle
    X Axis View Toggle (X is RED, Y is BLUE)
    P Perspective Toggle
    E Effect Box View Toggle
    A Select All Items
    ], CTRL+N Select Next Item
    [, CTRL+P Select Previous Item
    S Side Camera View (looking north)
    CTRL+S Side Camera View (keep current orientation)
    T Top Camera View (North at top of screen)
    CTRL+T Top Camera View (keep current orientation)
    L Click Center on point (same as 2D 'CTRL+L Click')
    CTRL+ L Drag
    Move Camera Left/Right
    CTRL+ L Drag Vertical Move Camera Up/Down
    CTRL+ R Drag
    Rotate Camera Left/Right
    CTRL+ R Drag Vertical Rotate Camera Over/Under
    INSERT/DELETE Rotate Camera Left/Right
    HOME/END Rotate Camera Over/Under
    SHIFT + R Drag
    Zoom Camera In/Out
    PAGEUP/DOWN Zoom Camera In/Out
    Numpad + / - Zoom Camera In/Out

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    Numpad Keys, multiple views
    CTRL+NUMPAD LEFT Rotate Camera 90deg Left
    CTRL+NUMPAD RIGHT Rotate Camera 90deg Right
    NUMPAD LEFT/RIGHT Move Camera Left/Right
    NUMPAD UP/DOWN Move Camera Up/Down
    CTRL+ Numpad UP Auto center selected object
    NUMPAD RIGHT Move Object East
    NUMPAD LEFT Move Object West
    Move Object North
    NUMPAD DOWN Move Object South
    CTRL+NUMPAD LEFT Move Object west in small increments
    CTRL+NUMPAD RIGHT Move Object east in small increments
    CTRL+NUMPAD RIGHT Move Object north in small increments
    CTRL+ Numpad DOWN Move Objects south in small increments.

    well this should just about explain 3D wire fram mode for map editing g/l happy mapn
    realize legalize MMJ is ok

  5. #5
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2004


    ok i got it thanks

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