Hey all ,I Got A Question How Do you make the buildings tall for mission editor i have used the lobby par then middle and the top but still its on ground not higher so what do i need to do i already had them on Absoulute Hight ??
Hey all ,I Got A Question How Do you make the buildings tall for mission editor i have used the lobby par then middle and the top but still its on ground not higher so what do i need to do i already had them on Absoulute Hight ??
ok 1st with this being for C4 are you wanting skyscraper's or the building's placed in the air ??? .
for skyscraper's use the lobby peice and then the middel peice set them side by side , ok get out of insert mode highlite the middel section right click copy and paste it some where close . ok place 1st middel section over lobby keep it highlited zoom in to line up perfect w/lobby . now take the middel section you copied and place it right next to the 1st 2 section's, ok 1st highlite the lobby and 1st mid section and then the copied mid section . now go into 3D wireframe mode to adjust the 2nd middel section's height you will see 2 items in gray these are the lobby and 1st mid section the 2nd mid section is in yellow and is only section that will move in 3d mode in this fashion . get out of 3d when height is right and highlite right click copy and paste mid section close lol you will repeate the above copy and paste method and adjust in 3d wire mode until desired height . when this has been achived place the roof section highlite the whole building and then the roof and adjust it like the mid section . remember highlite section's of bldg then the peice to be added next before ya go 3d wire mode . you dont need to use adsolute height for this so uncheck the box for it lol .
now if its bldg's in the air you want and not skyscrapers place lobby @ desired height in 3d wire frame mode and follow direction's above . for a more indepth on 3d wire frame mode control's look in the map editor manual on c/d or grab charger's editor manual or go to the map editing tutorial sticky at top of this map editing section of forum . 3d wire frame controls tutorial is in thiere also hope this wasnt 2 confuseing lol i havent got to answer a map editing question in a while![]()
realize legalize MMJ is ok
Ed has explained it correctly though.. ( Ed, remind me not to ask you how to diffuse a bomb )
I forgot to answer this question in your U2U, sorry. And you will need to adjust those heights, or your building will 'glitch' at the seams...
Go to the downloads section and pick up the extended help file PDF - by Charger - its has some values at the end of it you may want to see.![]()
ok but how do u get it building higher what does the 3d got anything to do with it????
For tall buildings you add more middle peices. The taller you want it the more middle peices you stack up. To raise the whole thing of the ground set the z setting where you want the bottom to be. But what you would have is a building floating in the air. You could even fly under it. You use the wire frame to line up the layers so they sit on top of each other. And not all at the same level. Or you will have a building made with a bunch of peices just 1 building high.![]()
ok but when i used the 3d ware frame it just made the building in some place like it was like in rows it wasent stacked so what do i need to do???
ok we will start with you having the lobby and the middle peice side by side. Click on the lobby and high light it then click on the middle peice and high light that. Then open wire frame. The last object you high light will move. so now hold shift and use the up and down arrows keys on the key board to raise the middle up to the top of the lobby. Leave wire frame now. go to the middle peice copy and paste a second 1 next to the first middle peice. Then click on the first middle peice to hight light it. Do the same for the second peice you just pasted. Go back to wire frame again and move the second middle price to the top of the first middle peice like you did with the lobby. You will build the scraper like that. Add peices the same way untill it's where you want it. Then add the top peice the same way. After your done with that part you can line the peices up over each other the same way you move them around the terrain. Good luck.
Last edited by Reaper; 05-10-2004 at 05:32 PM.
The first pic is all three pieces selected in plane view. The last one chosen is the one whose properties will show up in the little box in the lower left hand corner.
The second pic is 3D view with the top piece picked last. A few hints...
*Put your editor in H mode... it makes things easier to see.
*Zoom in and out with the Number pad (+) and (-) keys.
*To move things North,South,East and West - use the 2D mode.
*To move things just a little - hold the Ctrl key down while using the arrow keys
*To move things up and down - use the 3D mode
*To move things up and down there... use the the Shift key and the up and down arrows...
*To move them just a little up and down - use Ctrl + Shift
*To get a different perspective in 3D - press the Ctrl and Right Mouse Button
ok i got it now thank you all very much for cooperating with me i really want to thank you all !!!!!!! A+++++++++++++++++
just a note - if you use snap on, you don't have to use the 3d editor at all - just snap the first piece in, then snap each additional piece to the same location while setting a new z each time - you just have to know the z for the piece you are adding (which you can find from properties or keep a list handy after you've figured it out) only noting this cause I always found the 3d module a pain to use