Please, can we stop the intentional flaming!
All I have said in these threads is to try to advocate that we all game tolerating each others diverse opinions. I think semantics is confusing conversations taking place here. I can understand that if one views the definition of a cheat as being anything that alters the game in anyway, then AE is therefore a cheat.
Other strange things that happen in the game, the V2 occasional scoring bugs, and NCs, and all the stuff that APS pilots say they have witnessed is not neccessarily a lie. It's a paradox, because if one has experienced these things and another has not, it strikes the one who hasnt experienced the same report as a lie. Different pilots reportedly have different experiences in both versions and on different servers. I have no problem with accepting the players different reports of their experiences.
I'm just saying: can we stop flaming intentionally here!
I'm fond of TerrorX, Reaper, Red Barron, WiperSix and a number of other C4 pilots.
This flaming thing really sucks!!!
Please, may the better man, prove it by making an xtra effort to tolerate all in the C4 community and try to lessen the anomosity that's apparently ruining the C4 community.
Sincerely, HotShotFWP