said the spyder to the fly i have 1 A10 thunderbolt flying in BHD w/ground units AAA fireing on it and it on them BHD EXP coming when it's ready
said the spyder to the fly i have 1 A10 thunderbolt flying in BHD w/ground units AAA fireing on it and it on them BHD EXP coming when it's ready
realize legalize MMJ is ok
Stop teasing us, Edward!!!!!
He teases the guys too Ladyhawke.
I'm guessin' Ed goes both ways
Eating words has never given me indigestion. (Winston Churchill)
naw i just like to tease lmao LH im still waiting on your answer . but i do know this much with the new goodies in bhdexp there is almost unlimited prospects for s/p missions .
realize legalize MMJ is ok
I'm sorry, Ed... did I miss your question?Originally posted by Edward
LH im still waiting on your answer...
about coop for bhd exp servent said if it's at all possible yes .Originally posted by LadyHawke
I'm sorry, Ed... did I miss your question?Originally posted by Edward
LH im still waiting on your answer...
realize legalize MMJ is ok
You really got to stop teasing me, Edward... I nearly peed my panties at the tought of a TRUE co-op mode for BHD that includes on-screen mission goals and player kill stats!Originally posted by Edward
about coop for bhd exp servent said if it's at all possible yes .
COOP, COOP COOP Please. Go EDward go! Go Edward Go! You can dooo it! You can dooo it all night long!!!
right on bova but im just 1 of the maper's {about coop for bhd exp servent said if it's at all possible yes .}Originally posted by BOVA
COOP, COOP COOP Please. Go EDward go! Go Edward Go! You can dooo it! You can dooo it all night long!!!
realize legalize MMJ is ok
OK Edward,
I didn't think you were alone. I was trying to give you incentive lol. Sorry I got a little excited lol. Thanks.