Read the manual for DFBHD and maybe i just missed it but these are the oinly two remaining things i need to do to complete several new maps>
any help appreciated please
Read the manual for DFBHD and maybe i just missed it but these are the oinly two remaining things i need to do to complete several new maps>
any help appreciated please
Originally posted by Les
Read the manual for DFBHD and maybe i just missed it but these are the oinly two remaining things i need to do to complete several new maps>
any help appreciated please
bhd full ver helo fleight
here is a layout for the bhd helo fleight should work on trucks and the boat's just done raise the wp off the ground
{if} delay is set 10 seconds dont check reset
ssn#29 is in erea1 or
grp1 is in erea1 or
grp2 in erea1
change grp #ai:combat speed = what ya wish
change grp# ai: patrol speed=what ya wish
change grp# ai: red alert
change grp# ai: use waypoint z
change grp# ai: ai state to follow wp
redirect grp# to wpl 1-0
1st helo landing is as follows no delay no reset box checked
group # helo is with in erea2
change group# ai: ai state to land
reset event 3
reset event 0
helo return to start delay is 10 seconds dont check reset box
{if} group helo is in erea3
change grp #ai: ai state to follow wp
change grp #ai:combat speed = what ya wish
change grp #ai:patrol speed = what ya wish
change grp #ai: red alert
redirect grp helo to wp 2-0
helo land at start point delay 0 dont check reset box
grp helo in erea 4
change grp #ai: ai state to land
change grp #ai: combat speed 0
change grp #ai: patrol speed 0
change grp #ai: stop useing waypoint z
change grp #ai: green alert
reset event 1
reset event 2
group # is group your helo is in also at bottom of event pg is this
{ and x or } i checked the or my ssn 29 is start deathmatch i belive the ssn#'s are assigned by the order the items are placed my start dm was item #29 placed . now if yall follow the instruction's right yall will have helos flyn in any type of m/p gm . WITHOUT the use of the wac file . thx to swordfish whom ever he is .
this and many other tutorials are located at very top of map editing section . there is a sticky for tutorial's , hope this helps you
realize legalize MMJ is ok
Holy ***t!
Well I can't make sense of what your telling me. Thanks for taking time out and all.
If I have already set my waypoints and heli into posion on the map>where do I go to adjust the speed? into the if and then events window?
Don't know if this will help but...
Set an area trigger at the point where you want your helicopter to land, preferably at the last waypoint the heli will travel to.
Below is example events list, the rest is really up to you to figure out and make work.
IF (Trigger)
(0) SSN 2 is within area 20
Change SSN 2 AI: AI state to land
This is the basic landing events set up. It’s not necessary to change the speed for landing because the Black Hawk will just slow enough and then land.
(Speed changing would be done int he events list=Change AI to "COMBAT" or "PATROL" speed. Then set the speed you want.)
Well BHD does not have the same window help system that you have sent me here.
Also the options to land are not even available for BHD. I have checked everywhere the events, the item attributes window to start with, and the trigger window. ill check under AI in the Item attributes window
My email is
well are you usin the latest patched version of the editor?
I just downloaded it and noticed a few changes>
K you are right aftera ll. I followed the instructions in the manual closely and recreated what they creating a win/lose condition based on the destruction of a vehicle. I actually even had my chopper in a landing pattern but then only wrote down the event action.
After I lay down the vehicle and the waypoints should I do the event action next? or the trigger next. I am assuming I should set up the event and then the trigger only because thats how the tutorial lays things in order.
Can you paste an event (chopper landing for me?)
I forgot what I should put under 'IF Trigger' lists. Since the manual does NOT SAY Im still freakin trying.>
Under the [THEN] action I chose:
ACTION TYPE: change AI, Single
and under ACTION VARIABLES: (i have picked)
SSN: 178 -Blackhawk
Thxs Les>