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DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
I just downloaded Delta Force 2 which I used to play many years ago.
So I have run theNLExePatcher and it says that : we have determined that no patching is required for this product in this directory
I go into novaworld and the screen is all fuzzy, i still can make up where it says public games, thus I click in there, next page is even i bit worse, but i can still see if there is any game (cant read how many players or any other information), so I click in the game and it just hungs in there, i get stack with the 'hand cursor' and nothings happens.
Attachment 1618
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
That looks like an ibrowse.dll problem. However, we have a couple of fellows that play DF2 that drop by that might have an answer.
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Thanks Bluetiereign...Hope someone will know...Cheers
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Novalogic never managed to get the DF2 lobby up working properly after they relocated their servers a month or two ago. The lobby is up, but no (public) servers are showing. They have also stopped replying to e-mails, PMs etc. lately, so we don't even know if they're aware of the problem. In the mean time, you should download, install and use DF Favorites in order to join public DF2 servers. You can find it (and instructions) here...:
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Hi Q-dad~Tag
I have follow the steps from there and it seems that everything has been installed correctly. Then I am going to: and trying to join a game, I get are you sure you want to start the game and join...i press yes, and then it just hangs in there (Attempting to joing game...If game does not start you may not have the game installed or configured)...Also after installing the favourites i got an empty shortcut 'DF Favourites'...Thanks for the info and the help
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
If running XP, try turning down the hardware acceleration for your sound card, like this...:
control panel
sounds and audio
under the speaker settings at the bottom click advanced
change hardware acceleration to none
If running Win7 or Vista, there should be similar ways to do the above...
Have you got a software firewall or a router, or both...? Make sure you open the following ports...:
* UDP 3568 (DF2)
* UDP 3569 (DF2)
* TCP 7111 (DFFAVS)
* TCP 7112 (DFFAVS)
* UDP 7114 (DFFAVS)
* TCP 7115 (DFFAVS)
* UDP 7116 (DFFAVS)
* UDP 7122 (DFFAVS)
I hope that will fix things for you...
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Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Hi, I found the DF Favourites under programs :p
So i am trying to connect to DF2 but after I click the "Join" button I get the following: A call to an OS function failed.
Attachment 1619
I am running window 7 pro, and run the DF2 in compatability mode for windows xp sp2
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Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
ok, so I have installed everything in a windows xp machine... Open the ports and now i get this
:Attachment 1621
I tried running the 'update.exe' under Delta Force 2 folder but nothing happens :-/
However, I am one step closer! who knows maybe i will get to have a game by Xmas! heheh
NOTE: I do not have a CD for the game i just brought it through trymedia
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
To get onto the Nova web sites you need to have the cd key for that game.. See if a txt file in the dir of program that you have has a cd key in it... I downloaded from Steam and had to install cd key in account at Nova...
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Originally Posted by
To get onto the Nova web sites you need to have the cd key for that game.. See if a txt file in the dir of program that you have has a cd key in it... I downloaded from Steam and had to install cd key in account at Nova...
This is not relevant for DF2, I believe... Only for DF:LW and newer games... Unless there's a different deal when downloading DF2 instead of buying it in a retail shop.
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Originally Posted by
So i am trying to connect to DF2 but after I click the "Join" button I get the following: A call to an OS function failed.
I am running window 7 pro, and run the DF2 in compatability mode for windows xp sp2
I haven't seen that error message in DFFavs previously. Not sure why it occurs. If you google for the error message itself, you'll get tons of results, and many different explanations, but I didn't see any solution which looked like the obvious one for your problem.
If you haven't already, try running the DFFavs exe files in compatibility mode as well, to see if that helps...
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Originally Posted by
ok, so I have installed everything in a windows xp machine... Open the ports and now i get this
I tried running the 'update.exe' under Delta Force 2 folder but nothing happens :-/
However, I am one step closer! who knows maybe i will get to have a game by Xmas! heheh
NOTE: I do not have a CD for the game i just brought it through trymedia
Ok, I have no experience with the version from trymedia, but I suppose it must be similar or equal to the one they're offering through Steam or at their Novalogic.com site, meaning that it should already have the latest update as well as the nl-exe patch embedded.
That would explain the message you're getting when trying to run the nl-exe patch. Running update.exe shouldn't be neccessary, if it's already included in your version, and it wouldn't work now anyway, nor updating from within the game menus, since they screwed up the online DF2 update as well when relocating their servers a month or two back.
Since you don't have the CD, this means that your version of the game includes a no-CD patch, and that might be the reason why Cheat Blcoker is giving you that message, since that particular no-CD patch didn't exist when DFFavs/Cheat Blocker was created. Thus, it's not accepting this no-CD patch, or really: the version of the Df2.exe file that you've got. I believe there was made an attempt to update CheatBlocker to accept the Steam version of DF2, but that it failed.
I would recommend that you ask for help over at the GolD site, since there are a few guys there who knows a lot about DFFavs/CB, and maybe they can help you out...: http://thegoodoldays.com/ (you'll need to register there before posting, I believe)
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
I just want to thank you for your help. I mean it. It is appreciated.
Happy Holidays.
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Happy Holidays to you as well :)
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Well, I've asked Pause from the C-IX squad, and he suggested that the Easy Update DF2 tool made by Shayne might get your downloaded DF2 version to work properly. You can read more about it (and download it) over at the GolD site, here...:
http://www.thegoodoldays.com/forumcg.../m-1248717398/ (you'll have to register first)
Download it directly from this URL...: http://df2.sabrexhost.com/update.kits/update.df2.zip
Please let us know how it goes...
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Hey all! Thank you Q! ;)
The update.df2.exe should do the trick, likely you'll want to click the 4 corner buttons, Update, Nlpatch, vista fix and nocd. You can also get a slew of other updates if you want to try them w/o the update.df2 patch at DF2Central (http://df2central.sbccrew.com/downloads.php).
I'm yet to meet someone that can't run df2, whether it be win98 or win7. :smilegrin:
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Hope you all had a good winter holiday!....and thank you all for the information.
Q i will definately give that a go!...and let you know how it goes
Pause, I think that if this does not work I am giving up! :( ... Btw, i cant play the campaign missions??? so i really do not know if it has something to do with the fact that i download the game from trymedia or what...
Btw, is there a newer game that will be similar to DF2? mainly regarding the functionality to play online with other people...creating your own game (CTF, dead match, etc, etc)....Which ones do you play or which ones will you recommend?
Again...Thank you!
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Add me on msn, we'll get your df2 working again. >pausedf2@hotmail.com
Out of the 100+ I've assisted, I haven't had someone not able to play yet, and you won't be the first!
Gameplay/map wise I think Arma2 might be the closest feel to DF2, but you need an UBER machine to run it well. Currently I'm playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 and loving it. Its a lot of team work and open maps as opposed to CODMW2 which reminds me more of Unreal Tournament than DF2. ;)
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
I have just registerd in the site Q mentioned but cant read the forum untill the account is activated
I downloaded the update, and bare in mind that i have not been able to read any guides or steps, try to run it, and it popups a message box: refer to vendor(1)
Pause I have just added you (thank you so much and I hope not to be the one that cant play it)
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Hmm.. I haven't gotten anything.. try adding me again m8
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
I am having the same problem i got the game from steam. And having trouble so far with the steam support fourms they have not been so informative yet. also i am getting refer to vendor(1)
i have not played this game since 2002 its one of my favorite games :)
if you need
system specs:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition (Build 7600)
RAM 3583 MB
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+
NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT | NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT | RDPDD Chained DD | RDP Encoder Mirror Driver | RDP Reflector Display Driver
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Hi Sonix! it looks like we were playing the same year! lol
Anyway, I still cannot play. If you figure out how to please let me know.
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
I just bought a new PC with Windows 7, and couldn't get DF2 to let me join a server...
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
I know this thread is a little old, but I'm having the same problem. I have Win7 64, and though DF2 runs, I can't join a game on NovaWorld. I've updated DF2 to point to the correct NovaWorld servers, and I can see the public games (thought the font is screwed up), but when I click to join, the cursor just freezes and hangs. I've tried the Vista fix and all. Any ideas?
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Please read all of the posts above. You can't join any of the DF2 servers from the DF2 NovaWorld Lobby, since Novalogic never fixed it after the relocated their servers last Autumn. You'll need to use DFFavs or other 3rd party utilities.
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
For time I cannot play online the delta force 2, when I pulsate with the leader for an item he remains blocked. I have proved all the programs and always it happens equally.
Then it is the orginal patched with NLExePatcher.exe, with ports opened and proved in several computers. In all the same thing happens. Neither it works using DFFavs.
I believe that before the insistence of the users in order that they were returning to put the servant of df2. Novaword it put them but in order that they could not be used and let's have to withdraw the game. :mad:
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
I'd love to help you out, but I'm afraid I don't understand exactly what your problem is... If you've used an automatic language translator service, that might be the reason... Maybe you could try describing your problem using your own language and let me worry about translating it afterwards...?
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Hace tiempo que no puedo jugar al Delta Force 2 online, cuando pulso en una partida para jugar, se queda bloqueado. Esto pasa desde que volvio a abrir novalogic el servidor. Solo aparece una partida y hay que darle a "refresh this page" para que aparezca otra partida,pero tampoco puedo entrar en ninguna partida de la lista.
He utilizado el NLExePatcher.exe y el DFFavs, pero sigue igual. Creo que novaword quiere que dejemos de jugar al delta force 2.
Un saludo.
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Ok, I'm assuming that's Spanish...? Translating it to English with WorldLingo gives the following...:
For a long time I have not been able to play the Delta Force 2 online, when pulse in a game to play, it remains blocked. This happens since volvio to open novalogic the servant. Single parti appears oneit does not give and it is necessary to give “refresh this either page” so that it appears another game, but I can entto rar in any game of the list. I have used the NLExePatcher.exe and the DFFavs, but it follows iguto. I believe that novaword wants that we let play the delta force 2. A greeting.
Hmm, I don't understand all of that, but I might have an idea of what you're doing wrong...:
- You have downloaded and installed DFFavs, correct...?
- Have you also configured DFFavs correctly...? Check out the following web page for some excellent advice on how to accomplish that...: http://www.freewebs.com/phobosx3/dffavscheatblocker.htm
- It's not enough simply to have DFFavs installed and configured... You'll need to run DFFavs as well, and join DF2 servers from within it...
- When starting DFFavs, the ordinary DF2 lobby from Novalogic will be shown inside the large bottom window of DFFavs, but you can't join servers from that DF2 lobby, since that will fail in the same manner as if you tried to join them from within the DF2 menues.
- Instead, after starting DFFavs, you'll see a yellow star at the left side... Click on the yellow star, then click on DF2 Fav World, and you'll see a list of DF2 game types on the left... Click on the one called ALL, and you'll see a list of all the public DF2 servers out there (probably around 10 servers or so)... Push the F5 key to refresh...
- Then click on those servers that you would like to join so that they will appear in the upper window inside DFFavs, i.e. the window which will show your favorite servers
- Then select one of those favorite servers by clicking on it, and click on Join in the menu bar to join the server
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
He probado todos los programas que hay para descargar. Sigue pasando lo mismo, cuando yo pulsar en algun servidor para jugar, se queda bloqueado el DF2. Mi DF2 es original.
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
1.) You have downloaded and installed DFFavs, correct...?
Did you do this...?
2.) Have you also configured DFFavs correctly...? Check out the following web page for some excellent advice on how to accomplish that...: http://www.freewebs.com/phobosx3/dffavscheatblocker.htm
Did you do this...?
3) It's not enough simply to have DFFavs installed and configured... You'll need to run DFFavs as well, and join DF2 servers from within it...
Did you do this...?
4) When starting DFFavs, the ordinary DF2 lobby from Novalogic will be shown inside the large bottom window of DFFavs, but you can't join servers from that DF2 lobby, since that will fail in the same manner as if you tried to join them from within the DF2 menues.
Did you do this...?
5) Instead, after starting DFFavs, you'll see a yellow star at the left side... Click on the yellow star, then click on DF2 Fav World, and you'll see a list of DF2 game types on the left... Click on the one called ALL, and you'll see a list of all the public DF2 servers out there (probably around 10 servers or so)... Push the F5 key to refresh...
Did you do this...?
6) Then click on those servers that you would like to join so that they will appear in the upper window inside DFFavs, i.e. the window which will show your favorite servers
Did you do this...?
7) Then select one of those favorite servers by clicking on it, and click on Join in the menu bar to join the server
Did you do this...?
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
I hope there is someone here who may be able to help. A few days ago I purchased and installed an ani virus software pack, and (defender pro-5-1) now delta force 2 has issues. i just removed this bundle and now I have the following error: c:\programfiles(x86)\novalogic\deltaforce2\dsound. dll\ is either not designed to run on windows or containns an error..... i am running winwoes 7, in september i was able to able to rejion, but the above control panel, sounds audio, speaker settings. etc etc etc, are difficult to find. i cant remember what forum i read to get me connected to the game site. I did find one last night that wa s aperefct view of all servers up, and i thought thats was it, but when i clicked on killing fieilds, said 10 seconds to join, and i couldnt join anyof them. I dont have msn so please dont' spam my personal email service.. ty
Re: DF2 Cannot Join Game in Novaworld
Originally Posted by
grim reaper
I hope there is someone here who may be able to help. A few days ago I purchased and installed an ani virus software pack, and (defender pro-5-1) now delta force 2 has issues. i just removed this bundle and now I have the following error: c:\programfiles(x86)\novalogic\deltaforce2\dsound. dll\ is either not designed to run on windows or containns an error..... i am running winwoes 7, in september i was able to able to rejion, but the above control panel, sounds audio, speaker settings. etc etc etc, are difficult to find. i cant remember what forum i read to get me connected to the game site. I did find one last night that wa s aperefct view of all servers up, and i thought thats was it, but when i clicked on killing fieilds, said 10 seconds to join, and i couldnt join anyof them. I dont have msn so please dont' spam my personal email service.. ty
Try running the Vista patch and the update from this utility: