Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
I have been bashing my head in a wall for 3 days now trying to make Dialog Editor work with DF2MED.
I create in Dialog Editor 3 files for the game, but what do i do with them?
I have downloaded toturial for C4MED, and tried to replicate the idea with DF2MED,
but it doesnt work either...
If there is anyone that still plays DF2 and knows what I am talking about please help.
Thank you for your time :)
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
We have one or two that still play DF2. I still play co-op TFD - but don't go any further back than that. Stay tuned. One of them may drop by and have an answer.
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
Well, I never dived into the sound mystery of DF2. Dr. Evil was in charge of that on the TXP team. I believe he made a tutorial for it as well, but I can't remember where he posted it... However, BulletMagnet might be in the know, so I'll ask him if he would like to share some light on the subject...
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
I've attached Doc's original tutorial. I use the dialog tool a lot, so if you have any follow-up questions, just let me know and I'll help you out.
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
I have done what you said in the Dialouge.doc , all my .wav files are now:
Bit Rate 176kbps
Audio sample size 8 bit
Channels 1 (mono)
Audio sample rate 22 kHz
Audio format PCM
but it still won't work :/
i have put an Event that says if i kill (example) group 1 then a WavList (example) 001 will play,
and i have put in Events actions (besides of Play WavList 001) ''Kill group 2'' just to be sure that event works
Group 2 dies, WavList 001 doesn't play :puzzled: :help:
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
You did follow the rest of the tutorial, though, right?
I'll record a video tonight of how to use the tool if you haven't figured it out by then.
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
I have tried everything :joystick.gif: :nixweiss.gif:
i create a list, extract it, make sure that the mission in mission editor has that sound file, and i check in notepad that events play every wav file i give them
i'll wait for your video than :biere.gif:
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
I know I said I'd do a video tonight, but I'm too busy with schoolwork.
In the meantime:
- Did you make sure to click "Export" (NOT save) and then put the .dbf file in your DF2 folder?
- And then you included the name of that .dbf file in the "General Info" section of your map in the MED?
- And then you added a DF2 shortcut with the "/d" command?
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
I Exported (3 files and put them in DF2 folder), in General Information I put the name in .dbf file, and checked it in Notepad by opening mission MIS file,
i dont know what ''/d'' command in DF2 shortcut is, so i guess the problem is with that. how do i fix it?
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
Originally Posted by
I Exported (3 files and put them in DF2 folder), in General Information I put the name in .dbf file, and checked it in Notepad by opening mission MIS file,
i dont know what ''/d'' command in DF2 shortcut is, so i guess the problem is with that. how do i fix it?
Ahhh ok, that should be your problem.
Basically, Delta Force 2 reads its resource files from within .pff files. For example, most .dbf files are within the .pff files. You can add your .dbf to the .pff yourself, but it's a more tedious process and should only be used when you do a map pack or a map with custom briefings/etc.
Option 2 is much simpler. Simply go to your Delta Force 2 folder, right-click df2.exe and make a shortcut, then right-click that shortcut and go to "Properties." At the very end of the "Target" line (past the quotes), type " /d" without the quotes. It should like this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\NovaLogic\Delta Force 2\Df2.exe" /d
Basically that tells DF2 to read the files from the directory. That should fix your problem as it seems you're doing everything else right. Just make sure to click on the shortcut to run the game.
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
I love you man, it finally works :thumb:
All that time i was thinking that it was something in Notepad or in the game itself, it was only ''/d''
Cheers :icon_beer.gif:
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
Man, reading this thread reminds me just how much I have forgotten... :(
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
Glad I could help!
I've used about every DF1-DFLW tool out there so let me know if you have any more questions.
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
Excellent work & service, BM! :)
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
Anything for my ol' pal DF2!
I had forgotten this site existed. I bookmarked it this time so I can stick around a while.
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
Believe me..if I didn't have it bookmarked I'd even forget it was here... :wink1:
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
I appreciate it too BulletMagnet. Q-dad, thanks for you help in this too.
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
I was browsing the site and noticed that all of the old files (specifically for DF2, i.e. terrains/terrain tutorials/maps/etc) are no longer here. Were they lost in site renovations? :(
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
Do you mean these ? And these ? And these ? And these ? And these ?
Its all still here, but with a full time job, the fire department (and the training), a 4 year old, a 1 year old, (sitting on my lap now), I've yet to find the time finish the database transfer (the Map database has already been done). I'll make an effort to get this in order before the arrival of the new game... so that people can add their own maps.
Anyway, its all here... just not as easy to get to..
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
BTR - any chance this topic could be split in two parts and moving the latter to the DF2 forum (since only the original post is related to C4)...?
Re: Using dialog editor to add sound
Originally Posted by
BTR - any chance this topic could be split in two parts and moving the latter to the DF2 forum (since only the original post is related to C4)...?