What about a software package that doesn't cost any thing. are there any terrian making packages that are free
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What about a software package that doesn't cost any thing. are there any terrian making packages that are free
You can create terrains with any graphics program that will save files in a .raw and .tga format.
There is a tut in the BHD mod tools and you can use the pff utility to get the .trn files out of c4 to see a list of the files used to create those terrains.
There is no terrain building software, you either use the mod tools or in the case of C4, create the files your self and pack them.
Ok, Thanks
goto sourceforge.net and dnload a copy of gimp its free.You may have to dnload the gtk enviroment to install gimp.
Gimp is a paint type program that can make the .raw and .tga file formats that you need.
dnload fwo's pff extractor from this site also.You will need this to pack it into the game and to extract a trn file.
dnload those then come back and we will get you started.
All Done now what
now you need to make grayscale raw file 1024x1024 x 72 pixels per in.
this will be your hieghtmap,remember white is the highest part black is the lowest.
It would look somthing like this.
Ok, it's asking for a template. what should I pick for that. and the only size I can get is 1025 x 1025 x 72 pixels per inch
I try this way and all I got was a white screen. and that doesn't match your screen shoot.
should be able to pick 1024x1024.
Should have explained a bit better,you have to draw the highs and lows(blacks to whites) on the image.
The image above was hand drawn in Paintshop Prosorry if I confused you.
Ok, I don't under stand why my early post didn't post. I don't have Paint Shop Pro. is there an other way. or something else that I can use
I have Gimp and it's installed. I have the gtk and it's installed. I just don't have Print shop Pro. It there any thing else that I can use.
The only thing I have is Paint
You don't need Paint Shop Pro. You can use Gimp instead to do the same thing that Wildman used Paint Shop Pro to do.
Ok, so what do I do now, That Grayscale option is not available in gimp. and the only size that they have is 1024 x 768 x 72. or am I missing some thing
Then your probably trying to use one of the pre set templates. You need to enter the values manually.
Hey Wildman. Was wondering if you could go on to the next step. Or if you had the time if you could put everything down into one down loadable tutorial. I know I'm interested in this and I'm sure others are too.