Hi my friends
It's been a long time since i've been here on CPD, and a long time since i've even been able to be at my computer. Many month's ago i was in a near fatal car crash . A drunk driver fell asleep at the wheel , entered my lane and hit me head on.For a month it was touch and go for me.. I've lost the use of my legs and it has taken me a long time to even muster up the courage to attempt to have fun in any way.. My wife has basically forced me to quit feeling sorry for myself and to carry on with my life. I apologize for the sudden absence , but it was out of my control..I really have missed all of you Blue , Charger , all of you.. The crash left me pretty messed up , but i guess i can still type and click a mouse ,so i hope to be able to drop by and chat with all of you on occasion.. That is , if i'm still welcome.
It is nice to see CPD again ! >Doorway<
What the..?
Its 5:45 am - I haven't seen the bed yet - and I get the mail with notification of this post - and its contents. Where to begin ?
First, I'm terribly sorry to hear of your accident Doorway. I had no idea all of this was going on. These forums aren't really the place to ask the questions I have.. so I'll stop on this here.
As for being welcome... there is no doubt about that duder. Your welcome here any time - and will retain your position as a mod at CPD - whether you want it or not. If you get the urge - I'd be more than happy to let you take the mapmaster back...lol.
I actually thought that I had accidently gotten you mad. I can only wish now - that that had been the case... though that wouldn't have been welcome news either.
Drop in, email... even call me duder if you want some conversation. I'll PM my phone #.
Its good to hear from you Doorway.
Truly sorry to hear about your accident Doorway and much like Blue, I had no idea of your situation either. We've always had an on going policy of not knocking anyones name off the list so your place here is and will always be yours. Good to have you back.
Thank you Charger , I appreciate the welcome back.. It's people like you and BTR that are making this easier for me to get back into the fun , like it used to be for me.. Thanks so much you guys...:smokin.gif:
hey Doorway!
i'm glad you're back (to 'normal').
Thank you kill_me{FWD} ,much appreciated..:xyxwave.gif:
Doorway, you dont know me, but Ive always loved your maps and youve helped me with questions that i have posted. was wondering myself where you went to. just wanted to tell you welcome back its good to see a post from you! all the best!
Sorry to hear about your accident, glad that you are back. :waving.gif:
Wow. You never suspect things happening like that. The problem with the internet is that you can never entirely communicate events similar to this. I am sorry to hear that, but be thankful for what you have, because you have your own life. You're welcome here as far as I'm concerned, and it seems everyone agrees with that.
Thanks much
Thankyou Hawk46 and A Recon Soldier, and yes , I do have a lot to be thankful for.. Thanks again
Hi Doorway sorry to hear about the accident m8
bloody hard luck that m8.
I'm glad your able to get online, and i hope you can find some enjoyment online, as you have certainly given loads of people enjoyment with your map making skills.
Keep your chin up m8ty and I’ll prey for a full recovery for you.
Thanks so much Chad, I can always keep the great memories that I had with Sore-Thumbs.. You will always be and have always been a top shelf m8 to me. Thanks again buddy..:waving.gif:
hey doorway,,,,,,,,glad to see you back, as i cruise up and down the road i see all kinds of stuff out here. good to see that you have recovered from your ordeal, i feel it is most important , to let you know that charger and blue are more abusive than ever:spin: so be careful.......lmao.....Welcome back buddy!!!!!
Hello Dorway, i Wish you good recovery, and Welcome back.
Merry Xmas :xmas:
Welcome back Doorway!:waving.gif: