Re: Making Terrians
There are several terrain making tuts right here on Checkpointdelta go to the terrain dnload section goto the bottom it will say tutorials.Dnload all of them and read them,just to get a feel for what you need to do to make a terrain.Everyone is differant, one of the tuts may help you more than another.
My first terrain was made after reading Smokins tut so thats the one I'd suggest to read first.
You do need to pracitce with the paint program of your choice for a little bit before any decent terrain can be made.
Re: Making Terrians
wildman, thanks and no thanks. Smoke still refers to paint shop pro.
Thanks any way
Re: Making Terrians
Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop, Corel Draw or Gimp. There all basicly the same. There paint programs. Open a new document, pick a brush, pick a color and paint a picture. The biggest difference between any of these programs is the layout. Other than that they will all do the same thing. Or if you don't want to do it without Paint Shop Pro. Go here and download the trial version.
It's a fully working version. The only limitation is that after 30 days you either buy it or uninstall it.
Re: Making Terrians
"Thanks , but no thanks." You have got to be kidding me dude. That's the only return comment you can make to someone that's trying to help you out?
It makes ya just want to reach out and help him bunches , huh wildman...
I'm sorry man , that's just rude..
Re: Making Terrians
RAB and WildMan are the ppl to help you you really should listen to thier suggestions
hey wildman was that a c4dflw mod or c4bhd modd terranova shelved few yrs back i remember playn with some wild water colors then
Re: Making Terrians
I did, and the manuals still say I need paint shop pro. and I don't have it. Until I can get it or some one can help me with some thing else. theres nothing I can do.
Thanks Ed
Re: Making Terrians
ED that was c4dflw.
Joe untill YOU learn a paint program no one can help you make a terrain.
Re: Making Terrians
Big Joe ,
After reading the posts i can see your confusion, regarding exactly what software you need, the manuals suggest PSPro, but dude that is just a suggestion, and because you dont have it is not going to hinder you from using a compatible program that does the same job. Edward layed it out best, and after being here for 6-7yrs I can tell you this , these guys know what there talking about and wont lead you astray, so take the advise you are asking for and have fun making you maps, look forward to playin them in the future.
my suggestion . download some of their maps ,play them and you just may see the quality and experience these guys have.
Re: Making Terrians
Goto download.com look for bryce 5 and bryce 5 presets It's free.
Re: Making Terrians
I have no Idea on what to do. A friend of mine has an older ver of Paint Shop Por that he gave to me. and well after ready threw the tutorials. Guys I'm realy lost here.
I guess I'll just stick with map making. The doc's are out dated. and thet talk about DEM and some other things and I have no idea on what to do. Some of the links here had were brokin and just didn't work.
Thanks any way
Re: Making Terrians
Did you report the broken links?
Re: Making Terrians
Ok, I'm talking about the links on the pages. They keep coming back as not fount. They just need to update there doc's every year