C4 v20 loads old profiles
uninstalled original version to install download v20 but loaded old settings and pilots and no force feedback. wingman software ok. file says v20 but same old thing! please help! UPDATE: Scrapped those plans had to reload cd version runs ok need help installing v15 update cannot figure out manual install looking for a kind soul and fellow c4 player to help
Re: C4 v20 loads old profiles
Installing V20 or an updated V15 is no more complicated than changing the executable. This is all I can offer..
Re: C4 v20 loads old profiles
That instruction was included in the readme. I guess what I'm asking then is to be walked thru the procedure. My knowledge of computers is far below yours
Re: C4 v20 loads old profiles
I'm not sure what to say about this abundance of knowledge I supposedly have, but I can show you a walk through of what you need to do - to get where you need to go - to do what you need to do. Of course, you will need to substitute Novalogic and C4 for Mozilla and Firefox. Hope this helps. :crazy257.gif:
-More Linkage-
-Even More Linkage-
If this is comes off as condescending, don't be offended. I'm just taking you at your word about not really understanding what to do.
Re: C4 v20 loads old profiles
Thanks- no offense taken. The only thing I didn't understand was the actual mechanics of swapping the exe files. It appears however that the update is not supported by vista even with compatibility mode. Upgrading to 8.1 should solve my problem. Thanks for your help
Re: C4 v20 loads old profiles
Original version C4 and the update run fine on visa, you don't update v2 period, swapping exe files is simple.
#1 find the exe in your game folder and rename it to oldc4exe don't delete the file.
#2 unzip the new exe and copy then paste it in to game folder next to the renamed one. you can play with either one.
Re: C4 v20 loads old profiles