Sorry to be such a newb....but
Just recently loaded up few legacy games on new quad rig running Win 8. I can't believe it but C4 is rocking like never before. It's good to load a game you can actually score some points and feel good. [those cheat codes are great] Anyway to the point of post. Can someone plz tell me how how to load and use the user submitted games available. Are the unzipped files simply loaded into the main game folder??? If not what to do to play them.
Just on a whim I was able to create a free flight checkout map. Happily I was able to access it and fly around freely. Funny thing was that my created mission was no longer there in the archives as b4. What happened to it?
Thanks for any help for this oldtimer. Sorry to have missed all this stuff the first time around.....Lots of catchin' up to little time
Re: Sorry to be such a newb....but
Re: Sorry to be such a newb....but
Thanks I'll give this a try.....