Happy New Year
Haven't been around much the past few months, maybe years - almost forgot my log in - lol. Thought it was time I dropped by to rekindle an old memorie. Hope everyone is having a good new year and all is well in the world on Checkpointdelta. I guess its like someone who travels the world. No matter how far you go, this will always be home. Wellness to all my cpd friends... :cool:
Playing Arma 2 (The New Delta Force) + DayZ Mod.
(I see Jun 2002 Join Date - Been a little over 11 years we've been around - Goshdarn. I'm still 20 though) ;)
Re: Happy New Year
I'm so busy with the two youngins, work and the fire department... I'm not reading this until 17 days later. I feel like a curator of a museum. I'll have a look at Arma 2. Take care.