Wanted to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving and a Happy Holidays.:wavey: Try not to eat to much now.
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Wanted to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving and a Happy Holidays.:wavey: Try not to eat to much now.
Wow. Sorry for the slow reply. I passed out when I saw you posted..and just woke up. :lol4: Hope you had a good one.
Yeah I don't see much activity around here lately. But this was my first home on the web. So try to stop by and see if anythings going on.
Well, thanks for staying in touch. Even the Novalogic diehards are having a hard time finding any news - or anything new to post about.
While the graphics of today's newer games blow doors on Nova's aging offerings..there is one thing Nova has over all of them. Open maps. It seems every game - be it Single Player or Multi Player - close the playing area. Would love to see Nova offer another game.
But anyway, thanks again for dropping in. Take care.