This place is still alive?????????
Talk about saying OMFG and WTF?!
I had forgotten all about this place until someone came out of the blue and asked me for map editing help on DFArena. I did a quick search to see if any of my old maps were still alive on the net and I saw you all so I figured I'd stop in and check...
Just wanted to say Hi :)
Re: This place is still alive?????????
You have a lot of nerve asking us if we are alive ArticWolf. Aren't you about old as dirt and in a home for the aged yet ? ;)
Thanks for dropping in and saying hello. Good to see you.
Re: This place is still alive?????????
Hey Howdy! Old fart ya but not ready for the old soldiers home yet LOL
Just wanted to stop by and say Hi and that I FINALLY got my old screen name back again at DFArena and that .. I know it's a long dead game - I maybe going to start making some more Coops for DFLW and TFD...
I was surprised to see that DFA still has my old Coop zip file with all my DFLW Coops but unfortunately none of my TFD Coops.. hmm.. wonder if those are an old CD?
Re: This place is still alive?????????
I still jump on a TFD server every now and again and play some coops. These games are so outdated, but they were what I cut my teeth on..and I still remember Paul walking me through my first game - like it was yesterday. We played a harder version of the Power Plant map that I think he had made.
Anyway, I'll check the downloads and such, and make sure Paul didn't have them stashed somewhere. A year or so before he passed, he got the urge to 'clean up' to get some room back on the server. I personally didn't get it, since we had unlimited space. Either way, I have no idea what he erased, but I'll go through my oldest backup of CPD and see if they might be there.
Stay in touch. You're always welcome here.
Re: This place is still alive?????????
Hey ArticWolf...long time no hear. Nice to see you around. :cool2:
Re: This place is still alive?????????
Glad the ole place is still active i havent played any NL games in a spell been playn BFP4F
Re: This place is still alive????????? it really you? Long time no hear duder. Pretty sure the rest of us are playing something else but still manage to hit the home front now and again. Nice seeing you again Ed. :thumb: