For those that arn't aware C4 is now available to download from Steam!
The will be alot of newbees (that arnt dumb) but they will ask alot of questions and try to join the servers with the name griffon.
Servers that use AP will not alow these people in.
So far 74 poeple have downladed C4 from steam, and its only been available for 7 days
I think its an idea to not to run AP for a while
Re: Steam
Its not AP thats keeping them out, Griffon and no-names are on a banned list I think.
Re: Steam
I also think they are not getting the CD codes.. cause there's already been one who has complained about that..??
$9.99 a down load.. We all musta gotten screwed for the other 10 bucks? Guess that $$ was for the CD and CD Code??? LOL
Griffons, wolfblitz's, no names, Empty, and all the other BS newbie names are on the ban text that nearly every server is running... They need to be told to use something else.. like a name they plan to keep for a while....
Re: Steam
I agree with SoDam that the name bans should be removed from the servers list for a while. How would new users know what name to use, if they can't even get into a server (where we can tell them to use a unique name) because they go in with the default Griffon name. For many new players, they learn about forums like this by players making them aware in C4 servers. I feel this emphasizes the significance of SoDam's suggestion.
To maximize the gain of new players to C4, something needs to be done, and what SoDam suggests sounds logical and good. Furthermore, to not discourage new players or scare them away, servers should even allow 8H players, and vets should stay on a 3H setting.
I can see a new player may get discouraged or not grow to like the game, if the vets are killing them all the time, and they are hardly getting any kills.
Re: Steam
I happened to be the One who got C4 Through Steam as Some of you guys already know for the Cheep Price of $9.99 v1.0.1.20 with CD KEY 2 days ago. Somehow My name is not showing up and i DID change it from "Griffon" and used other names on all 4 slots. The main name that i will be using will be "Madd-Wolf"
I think that Steam is the problem as there are other games that are abaliable on Steam that have issues that the regular Retail CD versions don't have.
If Anyone who has bought C4 through Steam PLEASE PM me and let me know and or post if your name does not comes up. I am curious if it's just me or are the people that bought it or are about to buy it through Steam will have this problem. I already contacted Steam about this issue and await their response.
I for one LOVE Helicopter Games that's why i jumped at the chance to get this one and YES I AM A NEWBIE and expect to get blown up zillions of times by the guys that have been playing this game since it came out.
...but what the hey, playing with the best is how you learn, right? :). Course I had NO idea that this game is that old, but i LOVE it already.
I don't know how you guys run your servers but in other games like Day Of Defeat Source when they ban people the ban them buy their IP address just an FYI.
Re: Steam
IP and name bans are both running on many servers and will continue to run. As far as "Griffon", no-names, Empty, etc...were banned because more senior players abused the name by hiding behind it to run their "options", or cause crap in the servers. The new players did not cause the ban, but once they understand that those names (and others) are not going to get in, and get a real name (as you have), they are welcome.
I think you guys should buy the CD and stay away from STEAM.... This is the support you get for Comanche downloads..
Games Developed and Supported by Third-party Developers/Publishers
You will need to contact the game's developer/publisher directly for support if you encounter any errors or unexpected behavior which is not related to Steam authentication or CD Keys after the game has loaded. If you are unable to locate third-party support, please contact Steam Support for further information. Some examples include:
- Game crashes or errors after the game has been launched (that do not appear in a Steam dialog box)
- Not being able to connect to multiplayer servers
- Game bugs
- Gameplay and/or controller questions
- Third-party DRM and activation limits
Sending your support request to Steam Support rather than the correct provider may result in a delay in processing your request. Please make sure that your question is only sent to Valve if it does not fall into the criteria listed above. For a list of Third-Party games that are sold on Steam, please browse the knowledgebase here.