I've got a bunch of BHD:TS Mission Editor questions. Any help?
I've got a bunch of questions regarding th BHD:TS MED. If anyone could answer some of these, that would be great.
1. How do I make it snow/rain? When I change the weather to snow/rain and check the box, nothing happens.
2. What do the Health, Reverb and and Mana buttons at the bottom of the general information mean?
3. I've heard people say that they can make the enemys have more health. If so, how?
4. How can I get water? Am I typing it in correctly? It has x.05 m as the example, but if I put that in, nothing happens. If I just put a number in, still nothing happens.
5. Do you have to have the consumer version to play as SAS?
6. What are and how do the Shock&Awe and TerraNova mods work? Where can I download them?
7. Is there a way to have dialoge and/or text in the SP missions? It has a place in the events menu. It seems like it should work, but it doesn't.
8. It works when I try to blind a person (Through Events) but I can't unblind them (Through Events).
I'll edit this if I think of any more things I forgot to ask. It would be a great help if anyone could answer any one of these. Thanks all!:waving.gif:
Re: I've got a bunch of BHD:TS Mission Editor questions. Any help?
Oh, and 9. Why won't the prioritize event work?
Re: I've got a bunch of BHD:TS Mission Editor questions. Any help?
I don't think the snow or rain effects ever worked. Those effects were added in some of the mods but tend to cause lag if used to much.
On adding water. Try using a higher value to start out with. You have to bring the water level above the terrain. For some reason the base elevations are different from one terrain to another. Try starting out around 50. Then you can raise or lower it from there.
You can add text dialouge to single player missions. That would be done by using a WAC file or BIN file.
You also have to keep in mind that some of the options that show in the editer were never made functional. Guess they were planning on using them on later updates that never happened.
The Shock N Awe mod can be found here
You can find some of the other mods at DFBarracks also.
I only have a few of the answers you were asking about but somebody else can probably fill in the rest for you.
Re: I've got a bunch of BHD:TS Mission Editor questions. Any help?
Thank you, RAB. :)
Does anyone have anything else?
Re: I've got a bunch of BHD:TS Mission Editor questions. Any help?