Re: C4 terrain information.
Are you sure it goes by just the color, or does it go by the palette index number?
Re: C4 terrain information.
It goes by the index number, in other words you could create your own index. The index I posted I took from Novas stock color table. Those colors are mached to the index. So all you need to do is open one of novas pcx files save the color table then load it into your new project. When you paint the map those colors will match the nova stock color table using the same index.
Does that make since?
Re: C4 terrain information.
Thats what I thought.When doing one I'll open the _m and save the palette as c4,that way it is always on file.Lately I've been lazy and just using the 10d_M.pcx :)
Re: C4 terrain information.
Making new terrains woud be kool, but can everyone access them or do they have to download extra information to be able to play on a server that is using them?
Re: C4 terrain information.
All players need the terrain files to join your server or they wont load the mission.
With the expanstion being finished there are going to be over 50 terrains availible to build on. They are being tested now and all errors or bugs fixed.
If you would like to have a terrain added to the expanstion now is the time to do it. This will be your best chance to have it availible to the community in one down load.
Re: C4 terrain information.
Rgr that, It would be impossible for me to build a terain in the short time allocated, but I would also like to have my server open to everybody, so I don't think downloading the expansion would be advantagious to me.
Re: C4 terrain information.
Originally Posted by
Rgr that, It would be impossible for me to build a terain in the short time allocated, but I would also like to have my server open to everybody, so I don't think downloading the expansion would be advantagious to me.
Who says you have a 'short time'. I think all that Reaper meant, if you want to make one.. now is the right time to learn and make it.
Even with everything going really well, I don't see the MOD making it to the download section for a month or two. All of us working on it have lives outside of this, and burning out is not an option... for myself, anyway.
Re: C4 terrain information.
What I was trying to say was :ermm: : I don't really think its worth me making terrains, as my server is open to all, including newbies and if someone has to download extra terrains to fly in the server then it would complicate matters too much (KISS) Keep It Simple, Stupid.
Maybe, when I have my third computer :crazy257.gif: up & running I may include the expansion in one or other of my servers.
My objective is to have a server for the =FUN= Squad & a server for newbies to let them learn multiplayer at Gods speed and without the cheaters interfering.
Although in saying all that, it would be nice to be able to fly in a different terrain, but then again, other servers will have these terrains, so I can see how it goes with them.
Re: C4 terrain information.
Blue is rite no one is pushing get this done by a certain time table. Players have had the option to down load varous game mod items for c4 over the years. You could grab some envros here, mod buildings there, or even terrains in other down loads. One down load with every thing in it would save players and servers many headackes.
I understand with new players mods are tough to deal with. Unlike other games were the company supports the mods. Players can go to the site and find information. Many times the players can down load mod items when they join a server. Nova has never worked that way.
How ever mods add new content to games and help keep games alive, and the numbers of gamers playing those games up. With C4 over 5 years old there are not alot of new players comming in. But for the ones that do and for players that just want to play stock maps it good to have some servers for them to play. Doesn't mean you can't do both, for years any thing new in C4 was spread by word of mouth while you played in servers. Some things can be done server side such as toth and 4X team games. Players don't need the files. But with out gamers who are working on adding some thing new you wouldn't get any thing at all or know what you can do server side and what players will need to down load. Chances are even new players will want a change after playing the same maps over and over.
Another point, almost every player who has played C4 for any time at all has wished that there was something in the game that isn't there. One of mine was night vision after messing around a bit I got it by creating a new envro. Players need the file but I can still play some maps that use it. I have always wanted an under ground map one where the whole map is underground like one big cave so to speak. I can simulate that now.
The point is there are enough guys around here that if theres something you want to make theres a good chance one of the mappers or modders here can help you learn what you need or point in where to go. Its the best way to get something into the game you would like to play.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: C4 terrain information.
Here you go chaps.This attachment should help you out with those f & m_pcx images.
I`ve included a reference colour table,
I`ve also included a
This file is loaded first into the color table of Photoshop.
This file should be loaded second into the Swatches of Photoshop.
Re: C4 terrain information.