C4 Guide
Does any one know the auther of the 1st c4 guide that was posted on www.geocities.com/c4guide/c4guide.html I think some time in 2002. The link is no good any more, I downloaded it from there in Jan of 03 but it was posted there long befor I downloaded it. Thanks for any info.
Re: C4 Guide
Do you still have a copy of it from when you downloaded it. Might be able to tell more about who wrote it if we could see it. Plus it would just be interesting to read in itself I think.
The only other game guide I've seen for C4 other then the one Sparrow DIE put out is this one.
And it doesn't really cover any of the multiplayer tactics. Does cover all the basic controls and settings though. Might still be a good read for newer players to the game.
Re: C4 Guide
Re: C4 Guide
LOL thanks Blue was going to try to scan and make a link. I wonder why he never put his name on it. If any one knows the auther let me know please
Re: C4 Guide
Kewl. Thanks for the info Blue. Remind me to recomend you for a raise. Lets see 30% of your current pay would be..... Dam you do need a raise don't you.