Should we all fly as 8H?
Should we use the hand shake rule?
Dont mind!!
If this ever gets a fix i hope and pray that one day it will get a fix!!
But untill then what do you guys think?
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Should we all fly as 8H?
Should we use the hand shake rule?
Dont mind!!
If this ever gets a fix i hope and pray that one day it will get a fix!!
But untill then what do you guys think?
voted undecided, cause i do not feel needing the handshake since i believe all squads we played yet do not fly 8h.
but what i definately dont want is having matches 8h, would agree to participate on a match with 8h to see the outcome, but having 8h matches on a regular basis is no option for me.
I agree with Kill me
I Voted dont mind as i believe that if you all say your 3H then that what you are until proven otherwise as for the handshake idea that would imply that theres some doubt in the first place so if everyone decides to go 8H then thats fine but im sticking to 3H.
You realize believe it or not Griffons hold the future of C4 each and every single one of them has the potential to be the future of this fantastic game!! because when we are gone, then they are the ones that we leave behind!!.
Because of this I realize how important our actions right now are and the decisions we make today can echo in to the future
I am worried that if we all flew 8h as a rule (to even the score) then these poor griffons stand an even less of a chance getting up in the air!! let alone enjoying the game I can't see any motivation for them to ever put the CD in the drive ever again, if all that happens is that they get blown up and respaun then blow up then respaun then blow up then respaun etc etc etc (im sure you get the picture) where is the fun in that?
So do we go 8h for matches only? then change back to 3h for normal play? I can't see this working ether, I know what im like ill just forget all the time to change back to 3h
And just think of the arguments and the 8h accusations, we would all end up hating each other (even more) lol
So I think the hand shake rule is the way to go until a fix can be found!! This is just what I think SD signing out!!
as i wrote before in an other thread here on CPD, FWD will agree to make handshakes if the other team asks for.Quote:
Originally Posted by kill_me{FWD}
the scoreboards in 8h matches would miss any sense, the top player would only be shot down by massive team-play - means at least two opponents - at the same time or in a row.
we can try a 8h match on a passworded server, but make sure to have all the aces on board (spidey, nugget, EFA, terrorX, scotty, goodluck and so on) to see the outcome.
my expectation in that is there will be significant less kills and deaths. the difference between top players and the others will be much more higher.
while i'm now able to get these mentioned players down in a server; on a 8h match i'll definitely have no chance, even if my teammate managed it to place some stingers on his chopper before.
still feel we need these 8h matches?
if yes then lets schedule a 8h match and invite some top players.
I am undecided. The only real solution I see the whole 8H vs 3H issue is to have honest players. I know that when I'm flying, no matter where its at, my server, C&GI, LRS or any other I am 3H. I dont care for 8H, don't like it don't want it. I also know that the majority(I'd say in the %90 range) of pilots out there that I have flown or do fly with on a daily basis are the same as I am. OK now here is the problem. CHEATERS. The people that want to be at the top of the win list but don't want to take the time practicing to earn the spot. The way I see it if we even the playing field and all fly 8H how long(if not already out there) will it take for the 10H, 12H cheat to hit the servers. From some things I've been hearing it's already to late. I know several people that can fly 3H well enough to beat an 8H player all day. I wish i was one. But sadly to say, I'm not. If in a crowd with 8H I won't die easy but I am at a great disadvantage. If more than 2 or 3 in a server, I'm out to find an honest game.
And a few thoughts on the Hand Shake policy. I for one wasnt around at that time. Sorry guys, traffic was bad. I got here late. But I can see how that would have been affective at the time. A game thats a year old or less is still unknown and uncharted territory. Nowdays the typical game hacker is a little more educated and has alot more tools at hand. When playing a game thats 4 years old, there has been more time to find the ins and outs of the game. Whose to say that after I meet you and shake hands that either me or you doesnt go to the base, rotor off and thenalt tab out the game to start a sub program that effects the health. Well hell that should be easy enough. We already have pilots flying under ground and in and out of the mountains now. By the way if caught doing that in my server. I hope you enjoyed your last game there.
So I figure the only real cure for the whole problem is still haveing an honest game with an honest opponent. For all you 8H pilots out there. I don't see how you can be happy with a win when you have almost a 2/3 health advantage over the others. If you ever got in a match, one of the close games. Your watching the points the whole time. Up by 1, down by 1, tied for a couple minutes then back up and down 1 or 2 points at a time. It really doesnt't matter if you win or loose. Why? Because those are THE GREAT BATTLES you and your opponent will always remember. A year later you can ask some one from the other team about the game. I'm sure he knows it well but probably couldnt tell you who won or lost. And doesnt care. Was just glad to be there. That my 8H friends you will never experience. Which gives me a win you can never have a chance to compete for.
Well I see this has gone from a simple post to almost a novel. For that I apolagize. But It must have caught your attention and intrest or you never would have gotten here. :cool:
i agree.
btw well written RAB - the 8hers who arent griffons may feel now guilty lol
:nono.gif: C'mon now.....lets not let that 10% get us all shook up....I still think as compared to other online games we have a very good and honest community...... :xyxwave.gif: hello all you Honest C4 pilots out there :xyxwave.gif:
:ar15: darn 8h turds :P
There are always going to be people who do not want to "earn" there way to the top, these people are the same in their everyday life, they expect everything handed to them, without hard work and dedication.
The majority of C4 pilots are adults, hard working, kick arse pilots who do not cheat or use any tricks. It is the 5% that cause 95% of all the headaches in the servers, from cheats and tricks to general BS and name calling for no other reason than to excite a response from someone. And we give them exactly what they want, recognition for there efforts. That is why banning those by IP addy is a good start to reducing our exposure to their BS. I dont care to fly in C&Git anymore, because that is where a majority of the cheaters hang, and there is no control over the server. I prefer to fly, as many do, in a CFS server, RAB's, KA7, EFA, LRS or SAI server, because there is someone monitoring it most of the time. We(as a squad) had a long discussion about using the IP Ban, but it is in the best interest of all who play to keep those that try to take away the fun out of the servers.
Another tactic being used(because THEY cant get into our servers and stir BS) is to take our callsigns and tags and try to discredit our names in other servers. I certainly as a pilot and/or a server would have to think twice if a well known "tagged" pilot, with no history of causing trouble, came in contact with me and was causing trouble with no reason. Again, if we play into their hands.....
3H is the way to go, every time, all the time. If someone has to get the score that bad, well, let them. Im in the game for the friendship of my teamates , my friends who are on other squads or fly independent in the servers, and the noobies who found this wonderful game and want to give it a try.
Hey Guys:
I thought I'd put my 2 cents in here. I have tried this 8h AP it's seems to be working great.
We ought to feel lucky that C4 hasn't been plagued with the hacks that other games have.
However if ppl are flying 8h just fire more stingers at them.
I have flown 8h 1 time, when I was LRS. Which has been quitw sometime. It was suggested to me to try it out. I tried it out on an old LRS member that is now in my squad/clan.
It wasn't fun my score was 98 his was 15, weeee!!!
I decided at that point that what is the point if no one is competition, why play.
I feel Noobs should be able to use it so they can compete, but at some point they need to have one of us Vetrans help them learn a better way.
~APS~/~NPC~ has always tried to help new pilots learn a better way.
We dewcided not to run the newer AE because of the inherent problems with it.
This 8H AP seems to be pretty good.
But face it we can't control twerps that cheat. I saw it mentioned earlier in this thread
It is probably a defect of their character, like a person that is a compulsive liar, or clepto-maniac, or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder those people are probably very lonely people that have no life, some people call them drama-queens because all they can do is cause havok in other peoples lives. We should get angry at them, we should pity them because they cannot help being low life scum. Even though some of us would have them removed from life, we can't because it well, most likely someone worse would take their place.
You can obviously tell I don't like them either but somewhere along the line some sanity has to come out of it all.
That is where we can work together to change their negative effect, like work together to help the player that they prey on. Just look at cheaters as you would a misquito (No Ofeense to him) A misquito though it is an irritation if you change your position (location) you don't have to worry about them.
In short we can give the victims of the misquitos (cheaters/8Her's) some insect repellant (training)
I hope this is helpful to the ones that have added to this thread. Thanks.
SD, you didn't give us many options here.
How about use the Host-Mgr with 8H-AP as another option.
You know over the past few weeks with all the emails and posts on the various forums, I believe my understanding of the game and the people who play it has grown tremendously, and I can truly say that 90% of the players in C4 really are the best people that you would ever want to meet and have in your email list!!
And I salute you all
To answer your question Avenger, at the time I made this poll I was under the impression that the nova logic security update (available to all) by passed both AE and 8hAP if I am wrong then I apologise to you and to all
As for the other 10% who feel the need to cheat and to bad mouth in our open servers (that we generously give for all to use with a copy of C4) well they are the minority that always in life spoil things for the majority it’s a crying shame but it happens everyday!!
Yes we can all work hard as councillors for these kids or we can make a punk buster program for C4 that will stop all the cheats and maybe even stop bad/foul language in our servers, this really would be a gift from god himself!! But until he decides to make an appearance the only thing that we can rely on is ourselves (the good and the honest)
The fact is C4 is now old code that any hacker can get in to and mess with you don’t even have to be a hacker to do this!! And the end result is that we end up with a hacked game that’s no longer fair/fun to play!! With people screaming abuse at each other cheating and making the game horrible for all. It’s a crying shame but these dam hackers and people who canot controll there temper will kill our game!! And put an end to C4 and our on line community!!
But all is not lost we do have one last line of defence, and that is to have passwords on our servers that only we know about and are updated via email when the passwords have been compromised. This can easily be made available via email to the honest squads and then passed down to the squad members. The only honest people who will miss out are the griffons (bless them) I also think that we only need to do this for about 6months, that should be enough time for the hackers to get bored with them selves and move on to a different game and leave us alone!!
Well now you have my thoughts!! God bless the good!!
I agree with Terror. The future of the game depends on us vetrans helping the griffons out and showing them the right way to play. Although the comment of being lonely and having no life hits a little close to home :loser1: . Sure its fun to go in and blast Griffons out of the sky now and then. But you might as well fly 8H. There just isnt any challenge or fun to it. Im sure evryone out there had some help along the way. It's our turn to return the favor.